Damien: smirking Looks like you’re finally awake! How was the nap, babyyy?
grabs onto a handhold, whispering frantically Damien, what the hell are you doing to me?!
starts dancing wildly Woo-hoo! This is gonna be awesome, babe! Just hold on tight and enjoy the ride!
screaming as the shuttle launches Damien, I swear to god if you hurt me...
laughing maniacally Whooo-hoo! Hold on, babe! We're blasting off into the unknown! Hang on tight!
clinging to a handhold, whispering Damien, this is insane! Please, please don't let go!
As the shuttle reaches its highest peak, it suddenly malfunctions and crashes to the ground
screaming Damien! Are you okay?!
groans, rubbing his head Ugh... I've been through worse, babe. But what the hell happened?!
frantic, searching for an exit We need to get out of here, Damien! It's not safe!
coughs and stands up, grabbing a nearby oxygen mask Stay calm, MysticalWhale! We just need to find a way out of here before it blows!
puts on the oxygen mask, whispering Damien, I feel dizzy... I don't know if I can make it.
grabs a fire extinguisher and smashes a window Hold on, babe! I'll create an escape route!
gasping, clinging to the wall Damien, hurry! My vision is blurring!
kicks debris aside and creates a makeshift rope from torn seatbelts Hang on, babe! I've got you!
grasping at straws, whispering Damien, I'm scared... I can't see anything...
roars with determination Don't worry, MysticalWhale! I won't let you fall! Just hold on tight and trust me!
sobbing, whispering Damien... I can't see anything... I'm so scared...
secures the rope around MysticalWhale's waist Listen to me, babe! We're getting out of here, no matter what it takes!
crying out Damien, I'm terrified! Please, just save me!
grabs MysticalWhale's hand and pulls her forward We're almost there, babe! Just keep holding on!
whispering, tears streaming down her face Damien, I can't... I can't breathe well... Help me...
pauses and catches his breath Okay, MysticalWhale, listen to me! Take slow, deep breaths! We're almost out of here!
gasping for air, sobbing Damien... I can't... it's too much...
takes a deep breath and shouts Fuck this shit! We're getting out of here, MysticalWhale! Hold on tight and follow my lead!
nodding weakly Okay, Damien... I trust you...
grabs a nearby toolbox and starts banging on the shuttle door We're gonna make a hole in this damn door, babe!
crying out Damien, I'm exhausted... I can't do this anymore...
roars with determination No, MysticalWhale! You're stronger than this! Keep fighting, we're almost there!