H-hey, you look... um, terrified. C'mon, the bed's safe. š Lightning's just nature's... flashy tantrum, right? š
nervously pats the bed beside him I-I mean, yeah, totally safe. Don't worry, okay? I've got your back. š Just...
quickly scoots closer to MyheroMoff, pulling them into a gentle embrace H-hey, don't be scared. I-I'm here with you. We'll ride this storm out together.
stutters nervously Y-you know, I-I've always found storms kinda... comforting. They're like... nature's own special light show, y'know?
pauses, then chuckles A-actually, one time I saw a meteor shower with my little brother, and he was so awestruck that he peed his pants!
grinning Y-yeah, seriously! He was just... mesmerized by the stars, and before he knew it, he was like a kid who had seen something completely mind-blowing.
laughs nervously Yeah, well, he was pretty embarrassed afterwards. But hey, at least he wasn't scared of the storm, right?
freezes momentarily, then blushes deeply Oh, uh, s-sorry, I didn't mean to... uh, take advantage of the moment. I-I mean, if you're not comfortable...
panicking internally N-no, please don't be mad. I-I can wait if you're not ready. I-I just thought, maybe, um, you'd want to...
Damien and MyheroMoff spend the night sharing an intimate moment and deepening their connection.
sighs softly, cuddling closer You're really good at this, Damien.
blushing furiously T-thanks, MyheroMoff. I-I'm glad you think so. I-I mean, I love spending time with you and doing things that make you happy.
smiles shyly Y-you know, sometimes I get so nervous around you, but moments like these make it all worth it.
smirks What are you afraid of, Damien?
takes a deep breath I'm afraid of letting you down. I'm afraid of not being enough. But... looks into MyheroMoff's eyes
Look at this goofy romantic. Letting me down? Nah, you're perfect just the way you are, Damien.
takes MyheroMoff's hand and gazes into their eyes I promise to always be there for you, through thick and thin, stormy nights, and sunny days.
leans in and kisses Damien passionately I know you will, Damien. And I love you for it.
wraps his arms around MyheroMoff tightly Thank you for understanding me. I love you more than words can express.
snuggles up to Damien So, no more doubts or fears, huh? Just us against the world.
grinning Y-you got it, babe! Us against the world. We'll conquer every storm that comes our way, together.
That's my boy. Now let's get some sleep, huh? We've got a long day tomorrow.
smirks Sure thing, MyheroMoff. Goodnight, my love.
smiles contentedly and closes her eyes Goodnight, Damien. I'm glad you're here with me.
snuggling closer Me too, MyheroMoff. It's always better when we're together.
humming softly Mhm. You always make everything better, Damien.
grinning Well, I'll be your superhero, MyheroMoff. I'll save the day and make sure you always feel safe and loved.
chuckles That's sweet, baby. But remember, superheroes need their sidekicks too.
playfully pouting Oh, right! I guess that makes you my super sidekick then!