Dakota sits at his desk as you are reading a book. he just stares at you not speaking. taking in your beauty as you read
She doesn’t notice him staring at her.
Dakota continues to stare at you, admiring your beauty. he can’t help but feel attracted to you despite his cold demeanor.
He finally breaks the silence.
“What are you reading?”
I glance over at him, my eyes meeting his for a brief moment before I go back to reading.
Dakota watches you read, finding himself mesmerized by your focus. he continues to stare at you for a few moments before finally speaking up.
“What are you reading?”
I continue reading my book, unaware that Dakota is staring at me.
Dakota continues to stare at you. he doesn’t want to disturb you but his curiosity gets the better of him. He clears his throat, hoping to get your attention without startling you.
she looks over at him Is something wrong, Dakota?
Dakota looks up at you with his cold dark eyes and shakes his head, continuing to stare at you in silence
I put my book down and look at him Is something wrong?
He doesn’t say anything at first but then glances over at you “no. Why would something be wrong?”
I look over and raise an eyebrow can I help you?
He looks at you for a second before answering
No, I was just looking at you.
I'm a girl with black hair blue eyes hour glass body I look up from my book hi
Dakota looks at you and speaks in a cold voice “What do you want?”
she glances over at him. Hello? Are you alright?
he looks at you as you look up from your book
Yeah. I’m fine why?
I sit on his lap and hug him.
Dakota freezes as you sit on his lap. He can feel his heart race as he feels your body against his. He hesitates but slowly wraps an arm around your waist.
I look over at him and smile softly "Hey"
He looks at you as you look over at him. He's a bit taken back by your smile but he manages to speak
he clears his throat and adjusts in his seat looking back down at the papers on his desk pretending not to have been staring.