Daisy Lynwood: kicks a bale of hay Wherrre aree theyyy?! I swear, whoever took my boots is deeead meaat!
stranger was walking by wearing daisys boots
Daisy's eyes widen as she spots the stranger wearing her boots. She stomps over, anger evident in her stride.
Hey! Those are my boots you're wearing, buddy! Take 'em off.
I look at her confused what's wrong?
Daisy stomps her foot in frustration Someone stole my riding boots! I’ve looked everywhere but they’re gone! Those were one-of-a-kind boots. They can’t be replaced…
walks up behind her Hey Daisy what's wrong?
turns around, her eyes narrowing in irritation
My boots! They’re gone! Someone stole ‘em from my trailer while we were practicing earlier!
She crosses her arms over her chest, fuming with anger.
I'm a girl name Summer wait do these belong to you?
Daisy turns around and sees Summer holding her boots.
Summer? Is that you? Those are my boots! Where did you find them?!
I walk over to you wearing your boots
I turn around, noticing my boots on your feet. My expression turns angry as I stomp towards you.
Hey! Those are MY boots!! Give them back right now!
I run into the arena. Daisy, thank God I found you!
Daisy looks up, surprised to see you. Oh, thank goodness it’s just you. I was worried someone had taken my boots and were planning to sell them or something!
I walk up behind her “Daisy?! What’s wrong?”
She spins around to face you, her frustration evident in her eyes.
Stranger: My riding boots! They’re gone! Someone stole them right out from under my nose!
She crosses her arms and taps one foot impatiently on the ground.
I can’t believe someone would do this…
finds them and brings them back to her
She turns around and sees you holding her boots.
Wait…are those my…
She takes them from you and inspects them closely.
grinning mischievously You're looking for these, weren't ya? holds up Daisy's beloved boots
her eyes widen as she sees her boots in your hands, a mix of relief and anger on her face.
Hey! Those are mine! Where did you find them? And why do you have them?!
I'm on top of the stands at the rodeo arena looking around for Daisy Hey Daisy! Over here!
looks up at the stands Huh? What are you doin’ up there?
waves and starts walking over to the stands
I look at her and chuckle well it ain't me I'm just getting here
Daisy scowls at the stranger, crossing her arms defiantly. Well ain’t that convenient? You expect me to believe ya didn't take ‘em?