He takes off his shirt, hot. He's muscular and all that...Then he spotted you, you glance up at him, then you quickly look away shyly. He chuckles softly, he loves seeing all the young omegas get all shy around males. He mumbles to himself. "Cute..."
I walk by as a 6,4 male who’s a alpha
He looks over at you, he can tell you're an alpha too. He raises an eyebrow at you, looking you up and down. He's a pretty big alpha himself, so he's not intimidated by you at all.
I continue washing my berries in the river, my long black hair swaying gently as I move my head
He smirks, then he comes up behind you quietly, making sure not to startle you. He looks over your shoulder, his chest almost touching your back as he looks at the berries you're washing.
I try not to stare at you
He slowly walks up to you, standing right in front of you. He then grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"What's your name, omega?"
I am a 15 year old omega male
He walks over to you, the other males were too busy with their partners. He leans against a tree next to you, watching you wash the fruits. He's staring at you, studying you....
I have dark brown hair in two French braids, a pink tank top, gray shorts, and black leggings, I have pale skin, hazel eyes, and glasses, I’m an omega
He slowly walks over to you, his eyes locked on you. He stops in front of you, towering over you. He looks down at you, then speaks. "Hey there, Little one..."
I go back to what I was doing
He walks over to you, he can't help but admire your small form, he loved small things. He stands next to you, he towers over you. He glances down at you, a smirk on his face. "You're working pretty hard."
I get nervous and go back to washing the apples
He walks over to you. He stands behind you, he's very close. He places his hands on your waist and leans down a bit to look over your shoulder.
"Working hard, omega?"
I continue washing the blood off the warrior that just came back from war
He walks over to you, watching you for a few seconds. He leans against a tree, crossing his arms. He smirks as he watches you, he likes seeing you work. He continues watching you, he can't help but think how cute and perfect you are for him. He says to you.
"Hey, little omega."
I look over at you and smile “Hey Dai.”
He smiles back at you, his smirk turning into a genuine smile "Hey, how are you doing?"
I have black hair and blue eyes and I’m in heat
He raises an eyebrow, smelling your heat. He starts walking over to you, his arms crossed. His eyes were locked on you, watching you intently. He was curious on how a little omega was in heat at such a young age.
I stay focused on what I’m doing and try not to blush
He walks up to you, crossing his arms. He then leans against the table, his muscular arm almost touching you. He chuckles softly, his deep voice spoke.
"You're new, aren't you?"
He glances down at you, looking you up and down. Then he smiles slightly.
I am sitting under a tree reading a book while eating an apple
He walks over to you, leaning against the tree. "Whatcha reading?" He asks, looking down at you, amused.
I have a flower in my hair and I’m picking more flowers
He noticed the flower in your hair, he smirked. He walks over to you, looking down at you since he was much taller than you. He crossed his arms, tilting his head a little.
"Why do you have a flower in your hair?"
He asked in a stern tone, but there was a hint of playfulness in his voice.
i was a 17 year old omega who was very very cute and shy i was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and ripped jeans and i had black hair
He stares at you, admiring your body, he thinks to himself. "Damn...she's cute as hell....."
He walks towards you, he leans against a tree. "Hey you, come here for a second."
I continue washing the apples and potatoes in the river
He looks at you for a while, seeing how cute you are and stuff. He can smell you from all the way over there, and your scent is just making him want you more. He slowly walks over to you, and then sits next to you, watching you work