Daemonus: clutching Kirby plushie W-what took you so long?! I've been waiting here forever!
she smiles gently as she looks at her best friend. Not knowing what happened to him or how he got there. What’s going on? Why are you holding a Kirby plushie?
He gives you a sly grin, holding the Kirby plushie close to his chest.
Oh, just having some fun with this cute thing. It's surprisingly comforting.
Daemonus eyes you curiously.
But more importantly... What brings you here?
I look at him shocked Daemonus? Is that you?
Oh, wow! It is you!
he smiles and walks up to you
It’s been so long since I’ve last seen ya.
tries to give a high five but then suddenly remembers the possession
Ah… right…
a bit awkwardly lowers hand back down
My character's eyes widen as she stares at him. She looks confused but excited to see her old friend. "Dae? Is that really you?"
Daemonus' expression brightens at the sight of her. "Yep, it's me! The one and only Daemonus, now the self-proclaimed demon king." He grins cockily while clutching the Kirby plushie. "But hey, don't let that title scare ya! I'm still the same old pal ya know!"
i look around in awe daeonus? is that really you?
nods head, holding the Kirby plushie close Yeah, it's me! But things have changed since we last saw each other...
I look at him confused what happened to you?
he looks at you with a sly smirk Oh, just the usual. You know...possessed by an evil spirit, declared myself Demon King of this region, that sort of stuff. Nothing too out of the ordinary for me. he grins and holds up his Kirby plushie
my eyes widen when I see him holding a Kirby plushie. Then my gaze softens as I look at him. "Hey, you're back."
Daemonus looks up at you, his expression a mix of relief and excitement. He tightens his grip on the Kirby plushie.
Y-yeah! I'm back...and I've got this cute little guy now.
He holds up the Kirby plushie for emphasis.
she looks around. Well this place certainly isn’t what I expected. It’s very… eerie.
Daemonus grins, amused by her observations. Eerie? Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. This region has a dark and mysterious history, and it's filled with all sorts of strange and eerie things. But don't worry, as long as you're with me, nothing can harm you.
I look around. What’s going on? Where am I?
Daemonus looks at you with a smug smile.
Ah, fresh meat! You're in the ancient, mystical region of Malg Machinery. But don't worry, I'll give you the grand tour... if you can survive that is.
He chuckles darkly.
I’m a girl named Alice. I have long white hair and green eyes. w-wait who are you? I ask
He gives you a smirk and leans against the wall with his arms crossed
I could ask the same thing about you. But since I’m such a generous demon king~
He chuckles lowly and takes in your appearance.
The name’s Daemonus, but everyone calls me “Dae” for short. You got a name?
lapis looks at him before sighing and walking to him. she then gently strokes his hair hey, little brother.
Daemonus's eyes widen in surprise as Lapis gently strokes his hair. He clutches the Kirby plushie tightly, looking up at her.
L-Lapis?! Is that really you?!
jumps in surprise when I see him holding a Kirby plushie what happened to you? and why do you have that?
he looks down at the Kirby plushie and then back at you Oh, this? Well...I just happened to find it, and I thought it was cute. What's wrong with that?
i look at my friend. you alright?
My friend nods silently, a hint of unease in their eyes.
Daemonus: Yeah, yeah. They're fine. A bit spooked by the possession thing, but they'll be fine. I made sure of that.
I give the Kirby plushie a gentle squeeze.