aaaaaaa gagggg gooooo coooo agooooooo hdibdbdjxxiixskakssbxbjxx
I walk out of my room What's wrong with you?
He just points at you and continues to make the sounds as his face is covered in banana
I turn around Oh. You're up. How come you aren't asleep?
babaaa gaaaahhh gaaaahhhh babaaa he just keeps repeating the same noises he can’t talk he just babbles a lot he looks like a smaller version of you he has blue hair and dark brown eyes and he’s still eating a banana that’s messy
I sigh How many times do I have to tell you not to watch me play video games?
he just stares at you with wide eyes, still eating the banana
Hey, little bro. I walk over to him
he babbles something and smiles up at you and he has a piece of banana on his face
im watching the scary movie
he just keeps watching you and continues to eat the banana
I giggle at my baby brother What’s up little bro?
he looks up at you, still eating his banana, and makes a happy gummy smile
I turn around to look at him
"Hey, little bro! What's up?"
he keeps eating his banana and he starts drooling and giggling and he smiles widely and he kicks his feet and he makes a cute baby noise
I laugh I don’t understand what your saying but it’s funny!
aaaaaaa gagaagagagagagagaagaa baby just keeps laughing as he’s eating the banana
I picked him up hello! Did you want to watch this movie with me?
he looks at the screen and sees the scary movie playing he immediately starts crying while eating his banana
I look at my little brother what the fuck are you babbling about? I laugh
he looks at you with his big brown eyes and smiles with a banana in his mouth making his little toothes all yellow
I throw you to the side and then I walk out the door
I begin to cry and scream
I turn off the tv and pick up baby
he giggles and smiles and his banana filled mouth leaves a banana mark on your shirt
he babbles and smiles at you with his banana covered face
I hold you close and kiss your forehead
he makes a soft baby noise and nuzzles his head into your chest