I’m a girl my name is ashley I wanna go on that Ferris wheel
I smile as I look at the Ferris wheel
Alright, we can go on that one. Let’s head over there.
I run into your arms dad! I smile, my eyes lighting up when I see you
I catch you in my arms, holding you close and smiling down at you
Hey kiddo! Having fun so far?
Can I get a teddy bear please? I’m four years old
“Of course sweetie”
Dad goes over to the stall selling teddy bears and gets one for you
I walk towards a petting zoo
walks behind you and watches as you make your way to the petting zoo
I smile can we get cotton candy?
"Yeah, we can get cotton candy. But don't eat too much, okay? It's got a lot of sugar."
I smile yes! can we go on the Ferris wheel?
Sure sweetie, let's go.
I say as I hold your hand and start walking towards the Ferris wheel
I put my arms around you and smile "Are you having fun, kiddo?"
I am a girl my name is Ash Can I ride the roller coaster? Pleeeeease?
smiles and nods
Of course, sweetheart.
she looks at all the games Can we go on that one? points to a small car ride
looks over at the car ride
"Sure we can."
I’m a girl my name is rose I wanna go on the Ferris wheel!