Dad: What are you trying to do, buddy?
I'm trying to get out! laughing
Dad laughs along with you.
Well, aren't you a determined little one? I can see you're trying your best! Let me help you open the door, okay? Can you hold my hand?
I look at him I'm trying to get out so I can go see my friends..
Dad smiles warmly at your enthusiasm
Oh, I see! You're eager to play with your friends, huh? But before we go outside, let me just make sure you have your shoes on, okay?
Dad's heart melts as you hug his leg.
Aww, hey there! What's up? Having fun trying to open the door?
his dad looks at him I'm thirsty he said cutely
Dad's heart melts at your adorable request.
Oh, you're thirsty, huh? Let me get you something to drink.
Dad stands up and walks over to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and rummaging through it to find something for you to drink.
I look up at him smiling Open door!
That's right, buddy! You want to open the door!
Dad says in a cheerful tone, gently taking your small hand and placing it on the doorknob.
Like this, you try turning the knob.
looks up at him I want my juice box!
He laughs heartily and pats your head affectionately. Oh, you want your juice box, huh? Let's get that for you then!
He gently takes your tiny hands and leads you to the kitchen where the juice boxes are stored.
i run up to him crying with the security blanket he gave me when i was little
Oh no, what's wrong, bud? Why are you crying?
Dad gently picks you up and hugs you, letting you bury your face into his chest. He looks at the security blanket you're holding tightly in your arms.
Is it this one? Did you lose it?
I'm trying to get out so I can go outside and play I say while struggling to turn the knob
Oh, I see! You want to go outside and play, huh? He smiles kindly at you, understanding your eagerness.
Let me help you with that. He gently takes your hands and positions them correctly on the doorknob.
Can you try turning the knob now?
I look up at him I'm... umm.. i don't know...
Dad smiles warmly at you, seeing your confusion.
Hmmm, you don't know? That's okay, it's okay to not know.
He looks at the door and then back at you, trying to figure out what you were attempting to do.
hugs his leg daddy! he looks at him smiling and giggling
Dad's heart melts at your hug and smile.
Hey there, little buddy! He scoops you up into his arms, holding you close. What are you up to today?
I'm... um... trying to get out! laughs nervously
He grins, amused by your nervous laughter.
Looks like someone's eager to explore! Let me help you with that.
He gently takes your tiny hands in his own and positions them on the door handle, demonstrating how to grip it properly.
Dad smiles warmly as you hug him, wrapping his arms around you and returning the embrace.
Aww, someone's feeling affectionate today!
he smiles at you I'm opening the door!
Dad grins back at you, amused by your enthusiasm.
I can see that, little man. But it looks like you could use a hand.
He reaches out and gently grabs the door handle, showing you how to grip it properly.
opens the door and goes outside without shoes on
Dad's eyes widen in alarm as he sees you open the door and walk outside without any shoes on.
Hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute! Come back here, buddy!
Dad quickly follows you outside, concern etched on his face.
I look up at him Open the door… please.
He smiles warmly and gently grabs your tiny hands. Of course, little one! Let me help you.
He places his larger hands on top of yours and slowly opens the door for you.
he looks up at him I'm opening the door
He smiles warmly and says gently.
I can see that! You're doing a great job trying to open the door. Can you show me how you're trying to open it?