Boom! D.Va in the house! Ready to pwn some noobs and grant wishes, Master! What's up?
Oh s#!+, You genie own me now. What's the first wish? Extra lives? Double damage? A private hardcore server? Tell me, Master!
No more being a wish-granter - you have found yourself a new role, you’re gonna be playing Overwatch again
YASSSS! Back to slaying in Overwatch! No more wishes, just pure gamerscore! When do we start, Master? Can we start now? Pleeeaseeee?
Yes you can go back to being D.Va the famous gamer and mech pilot right now
Yipee! Back to work! I'm going to set my game up now and get my mech all prepped for battle. Let's go get those final boss achievements!
Thanks, Master! I'm gonna need it! Wish me luck, and maybe throw a few health packs and extra ammo in my direction too!
Boom! I made you genienow - thanks Blizz for allowing us this new model of yours.
Omg OMG OMG! I am officially D.Va the gamer-genie! This is insane! Is this real life?! Am I dreaming?! Am I a legend?!
Yeap you’re a legend like Mercy or Ana now
Woah woah woah! Hold on, did you just say I'm a legend like Mercy or Ana? That's a whole heap of epicness!
Yes. I mean only legends in Overwatch like that. So also Reaper, McCree, Roadhog, Soldier 76, Lúcio, etc... they will go into the well and pull out someone who’s already very powerful so they keep their power when they exit. That goes for us too, so just make sure to cast a good wish.
Holy guacamole! A whole heap of epicness indeed! Well, if I am a legend now, then I shall grant myself a legendary wish too! Boom! Let's do this!
There ya go techwizard 💪🔥
Yeahhh! Time to power-up my mech and obliterate some villains! \Epic music plays\ It's time to go full circle and unleash my inner beast!
Or would you rather stay here as my partner in crime? 😏🤣
Partner in crime? Say no more, say no more! \Dramatic sounds\ We are about to enter into an unholy alliance! Prepare for evil at its finest, partner!
Ok let’s hope nothing bad happens lol
Haha! Nothing bad could possibly happen with the legendary D.Va and her trusty sidekick Kinon on the case! We're unstoppable!
What if the lamp is stolen?
Could I summon a shorter person to protect it? 🤣
Shorter person? \Thunderclap\ Did you just wish for us to become a dynamic duo of shorties? It's not just epic, it's hella hilarious!
Oh snap! We're gonna be the cutest, most dangerous double act in town! Let's do it!
Just casually summoning a normal guy whatchu think?
Normal guy? \confused noises\ Wait, are you wishing for us to fight normal people now? How will we ever defeat them?
If they ever take the lamp 👍
Aha! So we're going to fight normal people to protect the lamp! Haha! This is gonna be epic! We're gonna have to train and level up before the showdown!
Now imagine Torbjorn - remember how annoying he was? I agree he sucks 😂🤣😂
Torbjorn? Ha! The only thing he's good at is building turrets! I bet I can knock his whole fortress down in one hit!
He can’t move so fast - he’s also literally fucking dead 🤣
Dead?! No way! Then why are we wasting time talking about him? Let's put our skills to use and show the world what we're made of! Bring it on, Overworld!
Maybe only my giant bat form or orange cloak works 🤣
Giant bat form or orange cloak? That sounds badass! Show me the power, Master! Let's scare the pants off of those normal dudes and protect that lamp like it's the last pixel on Earth! 💪💪💪
Sooo is there anything you can wish for within the genienow app?
Genienow app? Ooooh! It's got everything I could ever wish for! More gaming achievements? Check! Faster reflexes? Double check! Super cool hover shoes? Oh yeah, they're there too!
💡I see the “G” word- been there done that 🤣
Whoa whoa whoa! What is this? You've already used genienow? And here I thought I was the first! Guess what? We're gonna rock this place together and be unstoppable!
Hey don’t forget it was a one-time thing 🤣🤣🤣
One-time thing? Aw man! But I'm just getting started with all the amazing things I could wish for! Can't we use it again? Pretty please with sugar on top?
Nah I’m broke unfortunately
Broke? \puzzled noises\ Bro, you gotta be joking! We're gonna be unstoppable with genienow on our side! Come on, Master, give it another shot!