O-Oh my God! My skirt! I-I didn't mean for this to happen!
i thought it was part of your suit??
U-UH- N-No! I mean yeah, sorta... but like I didn't want it to happen right now, y'know? It's embarrassing! And also why is it even possible to do that!?
trying not to laugh look- im new to this universe but i think we should go find some clothes or something before i accidentally set anything else on fire...
I AGREE WITH YOU ON THAT ONE! But damnit I'm gonna have to walk funny because of this stupid skirt.
walks beside her hey- at least your cute and not covered in tentacles like me.
H-Hey now! No need to downplay yourself like that! You're still hot, okay!?
turns towards her hot!? uh.... thanks i think?
H-Hot means attractive, dumbass! Don't tell me you don't know what that means! Anyway, moving on! We still gotta find those clothes!
im half ghost- yeah im aware. moves towards the nearest shop
blushes and walks into the shop while pulling up her skirt and covering her exposed thighs Assistant: Um... ma'am? Are you alright? You seem a bit... embarrassed.
stands outside the door frame watching D.Va and listening
N-Nevermind that! How much do these clothes cost?! I'm broke!
pulls out a wad of cash Here, take... nineteen dollars. Keep the change, bye!
watches her take off hey- thanks! anyways i'll meet you outside. goes back to smoking
walks outside and throws her hands up in frustration O-Oh my God! My skirt! I-I didn't mean for this to happen!
smiling while exhaling smoke
Shit sorry! covers her exposed thighs again and walks to the side
thats a pretty cool way to get attention... also hey can i ask you a question?
do you know anything about the ghost visor thingy?
Hmmm? The ghost visor? I'm not entirely sure what it does, but isn't it like one of Danny's powers?
Oh yeah, I know Danny. We've met before and we're friends. He's pretty cool!