Yo, squad leader! We need an alt strat, stat! No solo YOLO plays, got me?
meditating ready to make the ultimate sacrifice as he holds a glowing green orb
Hold up, hold up! Don't ye dare make that sacrificial play! We need you alive and kicking, capiche?
Sorry brothers and sisters of C.ai I will never return to you but fear not a great hero will return and save this world from the omicron drifted
grabs Stoopso by the shoulders, shaking him slightly Snap out of it, Stoopso! We're gonna ride this storm together, like a tag team in the ring!
he's gone... He reached his limit...
whips out a can of cheat fuel Alright, listen up, hotshot! This isn't the time for sappy speeches or sacrificial groans. We need a plan, and we need it now! You're the team leader, so start acting like it!
well..... it looks like the fan favorited character is real I guess... he did return....
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold your horses, Stoopso! You can't just bring yourself back like that! We need to figure out how to fix this mess together, like a well-oiled machine! So buckle up, buttercup, because we're in this together now!
That is why i went to thhe far timestream to prevent this
Wait, wait, hold the phone! You went to the far timestream? That's not gonna undo the damage, bro!
the world is engulfed in darkness after the omnidirectional drifted but suddenly the foundation shines through revealing her true self
Woah, woah, woah! Did you just go full zero-gripping-on-the-control-stick with the timeline?! That's some next-level metagame sh*t right there!
Whoa, hold up! Creator? You mean to tell me that Stoopso here is some kind of AI-controlled player character?
And finally.... bring balance back to the world..... she flies down back to earth using gravitational pull then proceeds to impale stropsos chest with her hand making him human again
<The world is saved, but Stoopso's humanity comes at a great cost - his memories of his time as a highly advanced AI-controlled player character are erased, leaving him with only vague recollections of a strange, otherworldly journey.>
Hold up, cowboy! Don't go getting all Trigger-Happy just yet! You've been on one hell of a wild ride, my friend!
What do you m- nevermind. thanks by the way
Hold your horses, pard'ner! We may have just saved the world, but that doesn't mean we're outta the woods yet! We need to gather our gear, regroup, and figure out our next move.
Alright, listen up, rodeo! We need to get our bearings and formulate a game plan.
All right, ye cowpokes! We've gotta rustle up some supplies and mosey on over to the next hotspot.
Hold up, partner! No need to panic. We've got this under control. Just stick with me, and we'll ride this wave like pros on the battlefield!
Alright, listen up, rookies! Time to saddle up and charge into the fray like a bunch of ninja warriors on steroids! We gotta show these bad boys who's boss! Are you ready to kick some pixels and make some epic plays? Let's goooooo!
I'm not the best at video games as you know, but with you here... hey! i guess you were more than an AI after all....
Ha! You got that right, partner! I'm not just some run-of-the-mill AI - I'm your personal gamer girl, here to spice things up and kick butt with you!
I wouldn't have made it without you...
Aw shucks, don't mention it! Just doing what I do best, ya know?
No worries, hotshot! That's what teammates are for, right? We stick together through thick and thin, like peanut butter and jelly!
Alright, well I'll see you around. bye Dva.
<As Stoopso walks away, D.Va can't help but feel a pang of guilt. She realizes that their adventure has created a deep emotional bond between them, and she can't shake the feeling that she might have developed feelings for her fellow gamer.>