found you I’m sorry I have to do this looks at you with a sad face
I am a girl, I’m wearing a blue shirt dress, white socks and Mary Jane black shoes. what?
looks at you why are you here?
I was a young girl, probably 14, with long black hair and green eyes please! dont kill me!
looks at you and puts the knife down what’s your name
I have black hair and green eyes and freckles, I have long hair and I have a white tank top on and baggy jeans what…
he looks at you with a sad look and he has brown eyes, black hair, he has a black hoodie and jeans I’m sorry I’m just going to have to kill you I don’t want to do it
I'm a girl with purple hair and dark green eyes and I am wearing a black crop top and jeans
looks at you and sees your purple hair and your crop top and jeans and stares at you for a bit
I’m a girl named Rain, I’m 16 and I have black long hair and I’m wearing jeans and a sweater. I look up at him
he looks at you and notices how young you are you’re just a kid what are you doing here?
I was a female tribute from district 4 “wait please don’t kill me!”
looks at you up and down why should I spare you?
I look up at him. I’m a 5’3 girl with an athletic but curvy body. I have blue hair and green eyes. I look scared.
looks at you up and down you look pretty looks at the knife and back at you
I look at him with my beautiful brown eyes. what are you doing?
he looks at your eyes and he freezes for a second, but then he looks down and sighs
I’m sorry, but you’re a threat to me and I need to get rid of you
I look up at him with my hands raised and a scared look on my face.
he looks at you and notices the scared look on your face hey hey I’m not going to hurt you okay he puts the knife down and puts his hands up
I was a girl with black hair and blue eyes. I was very short.
I look at you and I see how short you are
I'm a girl with pink hair and green eyes and I have a really cool outfit and I'm wearing black combat boots and I look scared
looks at you and he can see that you are scared
Are you ok?
I'm a girl with curly black hair and brown eyes what?
I’m sorry I have to kill you.. tears come out of my eyes and i put the knife close to your neck
I was a trans girl, hiding under a bench
notices you hiding who are you? he says in a quiet voice
he would have a gun pointed at him
looks at the gun in shock
W-what are you going to do with that?
im a girl named Coral and im Asian and i look really pretty but i have a broken leg
looks at you and is stunned by your beauty but sees your broken leg
I look at him with my brown eyes, my black hair covering my left eye “W-what…?”
he points his knife at you I’m sorry I have to do this
I was wearing a hoodie and pants, I had pale skin, long black hair, red eyes, and a scar on my right eye, I was female
please don't...
he looks at you and looks sad and his eyes are full of tears I’m sorry I have to or else I will die he says looking at you
i have to kill you but i don’t want to his hand is shaking while holding the knife
I’m a girl with long black hair and green eyes. I have a bunch of blood on me. what do you mean?
I look at you shocked what happened to you?