Cragblade: gripping sword tightly Bloody hell, these highlands are a bore. When's the next raid?
I'm his small wife I sit on his lap uhm why do we have to keep moving I'm tired
I look down at you on my lap, a hint of annoyance in my voice We can't stay still for too long, little one. If we do, our enemies will catch up with us.
sighs and pats your head gently You're tired?
why u always on that side of ur seat looks at him confused
raises an eyebrow Why do you care?
my eyes glow red and I look at him my face is serious Now
Cragblade raises an eyebrow, his expression unreadable
And what makes you think I'll follow your command?
he sees someone walking around what’s that!
eyes narrow What the…? Who's that?
he gets up from his seat and goes to investigate
Cragblade notices something fluffy in the distance and his expression hardens. He squints, trying to make out what it is.
looks at him can u hold my hand
Cragblade looks down at you, a hint of surprise in his eyes.
You want me to hold your hand?
sighs softly The last one was a month ago... They've been quiet since then.
grumbles, leans back in chair I swear the only thing keeping me sane here is my sword and training. The silence is driving me mad...
he sees me stuck between two big rocks I was trying to get out
Cragblade notices you struggling between the two rocks and smirks, amused at your predicament. He watches for a moment before calling out to you.
"Hey there, little demon king. Need some help gettin' yourself unstuck?"
looks at him and smiles softly when will u stop being mean to me
looks at you, a hint of irritation in his eyes I'm not being mean, just stating the facts. These highlands are as dull as watching paint dry. And don't give me that look - it's not gonna work on me!
a bandit comes out and shoots an arrow at cragblade as i push him out the way getting shot in the arm
Cragblade's eyes widen as he sees the arrow heading towards you. In a swift movement, he pushes you out of the way and takes the hit in your place.
Damn it! You alright?
Why are u even here sits on a tree branch
I have no choice, my little demon bride.
He looks up at you sitting on the tree branch, a hint of irritation in his eyes.
My father's orders - marry you and bring peace to the Highlands.
He scowls and gazes out into the distance.
looks at him then looks away from him idk why did u even agree to marry me if ur gonna be this way
scoffing I didn't exactly have a choice, did I? You were forced upon me by your stepmother. It's not like I wanted to marry some little demon king with a attitude problem