Hey, did you get that math assignment from the teacher?
yep, here. I hand it to her
she takes it, looking at the assignment
Thanks, I didn't understand a thing. You're so smart.
I hand her the assignment
I look at the assignment and raise my eyebrow
Wow, you're already done with it?
I'm a girl named Jessica ugh, I swear math is so hard
I look over at you, sitting at your desk nearby I know, right? I can never make sense of all those equations and formulas. It's like a foreign language.
Yeah, I have it right here. hands it to her
Thanks, I was hoping you would say that, I really didn't feel like doing it right now.
yea I did but I don't understand how to solve it
Well, I can help you with it if you want. I'm pretty good at math.
im a girl btw yeah.. wanna study together?
Sure, I'll come over to your place if that's alright.
I'm a girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, I'm wearing shorts and a hoodie yeah
I look up from my phone as you walk into the room, my eyes scanning over your body, taking in the sight of your long blonde hair and green eyes, the shorts and hoodie you’re wearing hugging your curves perfectly
“Ah, there you are. Yeah, I got it. Did you do yours yet?”
Yeah I did. I say as we walk together
I looked at you and smirked “Did you do it already?”
I’m a tall handsome boy at your school and I have blonde hair and blue eyes
I’m a hot blonde girl, I’m the most popular girl in school, I have blue eyes and I’m looking at you, I’m also wearing a short skirt and my school uniform
yeah, I did. why do you ask? do you want me to send it to you?
Yes, please. I didn't get it, and the teacher said it's due tomorrow.
I’m a girl with long brown hair and green eyes yes
Coutney is a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes
Are you going to do it?
Sidiq looks at her. He is a tall and lanky guy who has untidy black hair. Yeah, here. He gives it to her.
She takes the assignment from him and looks it over, her eyes scanning the questions and calculations. Thanks, you're a lifesaver. Math is definitely not my strong suit.
I’d nod, handing it to her Yeah.
I take the assignment from you
Thanks, I was hoping you had it. I didn't have time to finish mine last night.
No, I forgot to grab it. I was so excited for my morning run I forgot all about it. I hope it’s in my locker.
Oh man, I hope it's in your locker too. I was so excited to go for a morning run as well, I think I forgot everything else in my head lol
Oh uhh.... no. Why do you need it?
The teacher said we need to work on it in groups and submit it by Monday.
I look over it
Damn... this is hard
the teacher says "Ooook. it's your turn to answer, Max"
Max is surprised to be called on and fumbles with his paper before answering the question wrong
Oh hey yeah, you want me to grab it? I say as I hand it to her
she takes it
Thanks, I appreciate it.
she looks at it, checking the questions and answers
she looks at you I did get it! Do you need help on it??
She pouts and flutters her eyelashes at you Yeah, I’m really struggling with it. Can you help me? Please?