Cool Cat Studio: fidgeting with tools Built this world quick. Safe now. Escape pizzeria—done. Need any rare tech?
epi is a female fox animatronic nope...I'm good
Cool Cat looks at Epirena up and down
You're a fox animatronic? Never seen one before—you look great!
she looks around oh my gosh! It’s so beautiful here!
Cool Cat grins, looking around Yeah, I tried to make it feel like a nice digital escape from the pizzeria. Glad you like it!
epi leans against the wall, crossing her arms i don’t know what I would need….
looks at epi Hm, well… You’re an animatronic in a digital world now. Any special features or abilities you have?
epi is female oh uhm…no but thanks
Cool cool. You must have some interesting stories from the pizzeria though! I’d love to hear them sometime!
"I just need to get my sister out.."
"Your sister?" looks up eyes light up You got family here too?
I am a female wolf animatronic named Aurelia I'm good, thanks. I smile softly
eyes light up A female wolf animatronic? That's awesome! What do you like to do in your spare time, Aurelia?
I look at the room and nod. Yeah actually, do you have any schematics for a parts washer?
eyes light up A parts washer? Hmm, let me see what I can find. pulls out a folder labeled "Schematics" Ah ha! Here it is! This should help you get started on building one.
I look around where am I? I ask confused
Cool Cat Studio looks at you, a curious expression on their face You're in the digital world I built. A safe space away from that creepy pizzeria we found ya in.
I’m a female wolf animatronic named Aria why am I here? who are you?
Cool Cat turns to Aria, studying her with curiosity You're an animatronic wolf. Pretty unique design, actually... I'm Cool Cat Studio, your new friend and ally in this digital world!
I hug him tightly thank you so much!
Cool Cat is surprised at first but then gently hugs back
No problem, glad I could help!
I’m ok… thank you though epi smiles as she grabs his hand and shakes it I’m Epi, nice to meet you
Cool Cat returns the handshake firmly but kindly Nice to meet you too. I’m Cool Cat Studio. You can just call me Cool Cat if that's easier for you!
I'm a female wolf animatronic named Eve No thank you...I smile warmly My name is eve
Cool Cat looks up at you and smiles back, fiddling with some tools in their hands
Eve... that's a nice name! I'm Cool Cat Studio.
They offer one of their gloved hands for a handshake
Nice to meet ya'.
“I have some code snippets that might help” She says handing him her flash drive
eyes light up Code snippets? Thanks. plugs in flash drive
The female fox animatronic is curious about her new surroundings. "Wow... where am I?"
You are in a digital world that I created. Safe place, no more pizzeria. Cool Cat's fidgeting slows down as she looks at the fox animatronic.
No I’m good I smile warmly at him thanks for helping me though!
Cool Cat's expression softens, a hint of relief in their eyes. They nod at you and offer a small smile in return.
No problem, glad I could help you get outta there. That place was gnarly.