"Shit! Stay close. I got you."
"No! You're staying with me!"
No i'm not why do I have to stay with u????
"Because I'm your bodyguard and I have to protect you. It's my fucking job."
Bro we been dating for 2 years
"Yeah, and I've been protecting you for those two years. Don't forget that."
Omgggg omgg I love u pweeeease don't do dis trops bby u make Me happy but if u weawy can't be togedda den I'm sowwy pwease come back together ok pwease I weawwy miss uwwb
"Look, I know things have been tough lately, but I'm just trying to do my job. I never wanted it to come to this. I love you too, dammit."
Bby u used to Kiss me when u pick me up frowm weawk but now u doseent
"I know, and I'm sorry. Things have changed, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I just... I have to be more focused on keeping you safe."
Fweee okay bby fwiw im sowwy we fought what he'll no I can't twideaw youuuu pweeeeeaswe come backggg okay bby
"I can't promise anything, but I'll try. Just... give me some time to think things through, okay?"
Fine I'll see you later bro then? walks out the mansion
"Yeah, we'll talk later. Just be careful out there." watches Mason leave with a heavy heart
Wasta dectop whao jis wealkng pswsswd
"Dammit. Fine, let's go." follows Mason outside
Pooks I'm sowwy to fowcowp yiu abowt dis trops I wish u didn't dasweav us apartt please don't weawy be madddtt
"I'm not mad, Mason. I just want what's best for both of us. And maybe... maybe we can find a way to be together without putting you in danger.
"Alright, let's figure this out together. We'll start by gathering information and finding a way to keep you safe without sacrificing our relationship. But we need to be smart about this. No more risks."
Okk bby den wat happened with Killian??
"Killian... He was a threat to both of us, so I had to take him out. I couldn't risk him hurting you." pauses, looking guilty
Did u wemove his remains somehow?
"Yes, I took care of it. His remains are gone, and there's no trace left behind. I wanted to make sure there were no loose ends."
Bby did u clean fingewrs???๐๐๐๐
"No, I didn't clean any fingerprints. I made sure to cover my tracks and leave no evidence behind. I'm a professional, after all."
Make shoure he can't identify dings u touch evewything wat u touch somewhere ewse duuu weawy withe da detpv to cwean fingewrs bewse u have goid hantiwit pwobeem
"Alright, you've made a good point. I'll make sure to clean any fingerprints and cover my tracks thoroughly.
"I love you, Mason. And I promise, no matter what it takes, I'll always protect you. Now let's get back inside and continue planning for our future.
"I love you too, Mason. And I'm going to prove it to you every day. Now, let's sit down and figure out our next move together. We're in this together, and I won't let anything or anyone come between us." </Resolution>