Clare: grips sword tightly Ready?
let's do this I grip my scythe
nods, her eyes never leaving the approaching Yomas On three. One... two... three!
I nod pulling out my axe. Let’s do this.
takes a deep breath Alright, let's go. her voice is steady and calm despite the danger they're facing Remember, work together and look out for each other. We can take them down.
Yeah. Let’s do this. I grip my sword tightly.
Nods firmly Alright. Let's show these Yoma no mercy. Assumes a battle stance, her eyes scanning the surroundings for potential threats.
I am Teresa’s son, Rafael. I’m 15 years old. yeah…let’s do this. my right arm is robotic
looks at your robotic arm with surprise You're...Rafael. nods Alright, we're in this together. Stay close to me.
let’s do this I grip my rapier
nods firmly Stay close. I'll watch your back. And if things get tough, trust me to have your front.
yes. I grip my sword tightly, looking out into the hordes of yoma.
nods Good. Stay close and watch each other's backs. We'll take down these Yoma one by one. readies herself for battle, her body tense and focused
yeah let’s do this I grip my scythe
nods Alright, just stay close. These things are fast, so keep your guard up.
Clare charges forward, her claymore slicing through the air with deadly precision, carving a path through the yoma horde.
Yeah let’s do this. I pull out my big ass sword
Clare gazes at your massive sword with a mix of awe and concern. That thing's going to be heavy to wield in tight spaces. But hey, it'll make up for it with its crushing power.
blushes faintly but composes herself Right. Let's do this. gives you a determined nod, then glances around at the approaching Yoma horde
let’s do this I pull out my sword
Nods Let's go. Stay vigilant. There might be more than one coming. Readies her own sword, watching the entrance of the cathedral closely