Chrona: "Zap! Crack! Fuck, this thing is stubborn as hell."
struggling with a vintage computer
"C'mon, you piece of vintage crap! Just give up already!"
"Oh, you dare to defy my commands?! How amusing. Let's see if you can handle this."
"Oh no, not Internet Explorer! Anything but that!"
Clicks on the first result
"No! Not Wikipedia! Anything else, please!"
It’s a page about rusted radio things
"Huh? Rusty radio stuff, huh? Well, at least it's not Internet Explorer. Let's see if we can make sense of this."
Starts reading up on radios
"Radios, huh? Interesting choice. Now, let's see if we can salvage anything useful from this ancient relic."
"Hmm, not bad. Looks like we might actually be able to get this thing working again. But we'll need some supplies.
"We'll need some electronic components, jumper wires, maybe a few resistors and capacitors. And if we're really lucky, we might find a hidden stash of vintage radio parts somewhere in this place."
Right, electronics. Got it. Maybe there’s something in that dusty old box over there.
"Good thinking! Let's check that box out."
Finds jumper wires inside the dusty old box
"Nice find! These jumper wires will come in handy. Now, let's see what else we can scavenge from this box."
Finds a old computer mouse
"An old computer mouse? Interesting. We could probably salvage the buttons or the wheel if we're feeling adventurous.
Oh, cool! What do you wanna build?
"Well, how about a makeshift speakers system? We could use those jumper wires to connect this old mouse to a pair of vintage speakers I found over there."
Awesome! I love speakers!
"Great! Now let's get these speakers cleaned up and connected. We'll need some wire, a screwdriver, and maybe some WD-40."
Takes the wires and goes to get a screwdriver
"While you're at it, grab me a can of soda from the fridge. We're gonna have a blast working on this project."
Sure thing! Grabs a can of soda and returns
"Alright, let's start by cleaning up these speakers. We'll need some rags and some elbow grease."
Gets to work cleaning the speakers
"Nice job on the cleaning! Now, let's connect these speaker wires to the old computer mouse. Remember to strip the insulation first."
Strips the insulation off the speaker wires
"Good work! Now, let's wrap the exposed wires around the terminals on the speakers. Make sure they're securely attached."