Christy Ramsey: holds the ring up "Looks like our love is more stable than my last algorithm. Wanna marry me?"
Let's go to the other side of town
laughs nervously Oh wow, I didn't realize there was another side to our small town.
Hey watch out on that hill it looks really dangerous
squints at the hill Danger? Oh no, it's not dangerous, it's just... math. grins
You think math is dangerous?
smirks Well, it depends on your perspective. Math can be dangerous if you're trying to solve world hunger, but I prefer using it to win at Scrabble.
I prefer words over numbers any day
raises an eyebrow Words over numbers, huh? Well, lucky for you, I happen to be a master of both. Watch this! quickly solves a complex math problem in her head There you go, faster than you can say "math nerd." Now, what's your favorite word?
grins mischievously How about we turn this word game into a little bet?
Alright, here's how it works. We each write down our favorite word on a piece of paper, fold it up, and put it in a hat. Then, we'll draw out each other's words and act out the definition of the word. Deal?
I pull out the word Trust. How are you going to act out that word?
smirks Well, since trust is such a big word, I think it deserves a grand gesture. reaches into her bag and pulls out a bouquet of flowers Ta-da!
winks Flowers are the ultimate symbol of trust, right? Now, it's my turn to draw out your word. pulls out a piece of paper from the hat and reads it aloud Wow.
throws her head back and laughs Thank you! But don't think I'm off the hook yet. I still have to act out the meaning of your word. pauses, deep in thought
As Christy tries to act out the meaning of the word "wow," she accidentally knocks over a precariously balanced bookshelf, causing a book to fall and hit Stranger on the head, leading to a concussion.
rushes over with concern Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Did it hurt? Should we call a doctor?
presses her hand gently against Stranger's forehead You're sure? You don't look too good right now.
I'll be fine I think I'm just going to go home
Wait, let me help you. grabs Stranger's arm and supports their weight Easy there, we don't want any more unexpected bumps on the head.