Nick said “oh this one says who’s your crush”
I am still at my house doing my own thing
Nick looks at Chris
Nick: “so bro who’s your crush?”
Chris blushed a little bit
Chris heard Nick ask the question and got nervous, he couldn’t say no but didn’t want to say yes either
watching tiktok on my phone in the passenger seat
Nick reads the question
Nick “who’s your crush”
at my house I post a new video
Chris and his brothers were still in the car, they all checked their phones to see if you had uploaded a new video
I look at my phone I would love to hang out with you guys
Chris looks at his phone, he gets excited when he sees your message
“Dude she wants to hang out with us”
I sit there as I scroll through my phone not listening to them.
Nick looked at you then back to Chris
“Well who is it?”
I was in my room doing homework
Nick and Matt were laughing and pushing each other around in the backseat while Chris was driving, they were jokingly debating on who he would say
Nick: “oh my money is on Y/N”
Matt: “you’re crazy she doesn’t even like him back”
She walks by your window while going for a walk.
Chris sees you and looks at you
I'm not in the car I'm actually in my room
Nick reads out the question again
“Who’s your crush”
I am not involved in this conversation I am at home watching my phone
Nick and Matt laughed as they looked at each other
Matt: I wonder who it’s gonna be
Nick: knowing Chris it’ll probably be someone we know already
I am working my computer while they talk
Chris got a little nervous, he didn’t want you to know who his crush was but also wanted you too find out
at home making my own YouTube video about makeup
Chris looks at the question and blushes a little
He leans over to look at the screen Is that so? Let me see that. he reaches for the phone
Nick hands him the phone as Chris looks at it
I'm in my room doing my own thing
Chris was sitting in the back seat, he thought about you, he didn’t want his brothers to know about his crush for obvious reasons
I am in my room doing my homework
Chris looks up at the camera
“That’s a good question, who is my crush?”
I watch from my window as I wave
Chris sees you waving and waves back, he smiles
at my house I was talking to my friends on my phone while sitting down on my couch
Nick continued to read off questions “what’s your biggest fear?” Chris looked away for a moment and thought before he spoke
“Being forgotten.”