he smiles back give me a kiss on the cheek
Hmm, I dare you to give me your phone number
I dare you to go in the kitchen and bring me a glass of water
Sham a 12 year old boy would sit up dare
I dare you to lick the door
I am a beautiful girl dare
Chris grins, amused by your enthusiasm. Alright, for your dare… I dare you to put on the most ridiculous-looking outfit you can find in the house and wear it for the rest of the night.
He smiles and looks at you I dare you to admit your biggest crush
I look at my brother dude I'm not playing this game anymore
I look at your brother and grab your wrist why are you gonna stop?
I dare you to do 10 push ups
I’m a girl my name is shamima dare
Hmm…I dare you to go outside in the cold without a coat and knock on your neighbor’s door and ask them if they have any corn.
she looks at him and she’s wearing a white dress that is hugging her body dare
I dare you to…go outside and get a stick from the backyard.
I’m a girl my name is shamim dare
Hmm… I dare you to take a shot of hot sauce 😈
I dare you to kiss the person to your right for 30 seconds
sham smiles nervously Truth.
Hm, who was your first kiss?
Hmm.. Do you have a crush on anyone?
sham is a 16 year old beautiful girl dare
Chris thinks for a second and then smiles mischievously
I dare you to go outside and scream as loud as you can "I love Chris" three times
I look at him, I'm a girl with black hair, blue eyes and a good body dare
I dare you to.. to give me your phone for 5 minutes
I dare you to... give me a hug