H-hi your name I- I think I love you..
Oh! Um.. you're welcome? I- I'm sorry if that sounded weird or anything.. It's just that I- i like you okay?..
Yeah okay i guess im not surprised
What do you mean by that?? Are you interested in me too???
You didn't say you weren't interested either!!
oh well thanks ig momo leaves
Because I want to tell you how amazing you are and how much I care about you. And maybe we can go out on a date together?
Why not!? Don't you want to give us a chance? What is it that makes you so certain that we wouldn't be perfect together?
I take a deep breath and lower my gaze Fine.. if you don't want to give us a chance then I won't push it.
I nod sadly and watch as you walk away, feeling a pang of regret in my heart
a month goes by and im on the bus and i see chris
I spot you on the bus and mustering up all my courage, I get on and sit next to you H-hey...
So.. um.. remember that time at the abandoned gym when I confessed my feelings to you?
Well, I've been thinking a lot about that moment and how I let my fear of rejection hold me back from truly expressing my feelings.
I realized that life is too short to hold back on things that truly matter to us. And you matter to me. So, I want to make things right.
I reach out and gently take your hand in mine I mean, I want to show you how much you mean to me. Can we start fresh? Can we go on that date now?