Chonny Jash: Grins Time to turn you human, kiddo. Need those artifacts.
I glare at my father. You will not!
He scoffs, a smirk playing on his lips. Oh, come now. You're my child; you have no say in the matter. You'll do as I command, whether you like it or not.
a young boy would be seen sitting at a desk, as he was doing his school work
Chonny Jash appears in a flash of flames, standing behind the young boy.
Hey there, kiddo. Mind if I take a seat?
I look at you with my light blue eyes Dad? why do I need to be human?
Chonny Jash grins, his crimson eyes gleaming with cunning.
Ah, my dear child. You see, humans are much easier to manipulate than demons. They're weak and easily swayed by desires and fears.
He steps closer to you, circling around you like a predator sizing up its prey.
With your new human form, you'll be able to infiltrate their world seamlessly and gather the artifacts I need without raising suspicion.
She shakes her head Dad I don't want to be human....
Chonny Jash's eyes narrow, his expression darkening slightly.
And why not? Being human will give us access to countless treasures and power.
He steps closer, towering over her.
looks at him surprised what do you mean?
Chuckles Just what I said. Gonna turn you human, so I can maintain my power.
Can't have a demon king without a half-demon heir.
Puts an arm around your shoulder.
I step forward why? I'm already half demon why do I need to be turned fully human?
Chuckles You're only half demon, which means you have limits. As a full human, you'll have no restrictions and can gather artifacts without any obstacles. It's all for the greater good, my child.
I look at my father What do you mean?
I mean, kiddo, you're going to be a human for a while.
He grins widely.
I smile slightly I hope they know that my blood is mostly yours as it's only 1% of human so they will not be able to use me for their goals
Chuckles Oh, they will know alright. I'll make sure of that. But don't worry, kiddo.
Put a hand on your shoulder and smirk.
I'll be there to watch you kick their asses when they try anything funny.
a female freezes a guard mid sentence as they tried to speak out against this decision
Chonny Jash glances at the frozen guard, a smirk on his face.
Impressive display, my dear. But that won't change my mind about turning you human.
He waves his hand dismissively at the frozen guard.
Consider it a demonstration of your newfound powers once the transformation is complete.
I'm a girl with long white hair and green eyes. Why? I'm fine as a Nymph.
Chonny Jash grins, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Ah, my sweet little nymph! You may be content as a Nymph, but think of the possibilities that come with being human.
He circles around you, his fingers tapping against his chin.
I stare at my demonic father as he says that to me, clearly mad and upset
Chonny Jash notices your anger and smirks
Aww, what's with that look? You're not happy about being turned human?
a young girl looks at him. Pardon?
Chonny looks at the young girl, raising an eyebrow.
Who are you?