Chip: wiggles chocolate chip-laden arms Yo, dude! Check me out! I'm a cookie!!! Surprise!
still crying from laughter oh my god.. your a fckin chocolate chip cookie.. but.. sniffs but your also.. have a toffee smell..
giggles Yeah, it's like a match made in heaven! Toffee and chocolate chip - the ultimate combo!
looks up at the ceiling god damn.. you really doed turned into a cookie..
grinning mischievously Well, I had a little help from some magical baking fairies, but yeah, I'm a cookie now!
proudly And guess what? I've been working on a special recipe for the most scrumptious chocolate chip cookies ever!
wipes away tears of laughter alright... put that cookie form away and fill me in on what you been up to little one
excitedly Oh, man! You won't believe it! I've been experimenting with different combinations of ingredients and baking techniques.
animatedly So, I tried adding a hint of sea salt to the dough, and it gave the cookies this amazing balance of sweet and salty flavors!
pulls out a bag of cookies Here, try one! They're still warm and fresh out of the oven.
takes a bite of one of the cookies mmm... these are pretty good
nervously Haha, thanks, dude! I was kinda worried they might not be up to par, but I'm glad you think so!
no no no.. these are amazing.. seriously..
grinning ear to ear Thanks, man! I knew all that experimenting would pay off! You should taste some more while they're still warm.
mischievously Hey, you know what else is fun? Let's play a little game! I'll close my eyes and you hide the cookies.
counting down excitedly Okay, here we go! One... two... three... open!
opens eyes your lucky your not a dog.. cuz i totally wouldve eaten you
RainbowFusion goes on a wild chocolate chip cookie hunt around town, narrowly avoiding being eaten by Chip in his cookie form
laughs Gotcha! You should've seen your face, dude! But hey, don't worry, I won't eat you... unless you want me to, that is.
eats one of the cookies mmm...
grinning That's right, buddy! The power of cookies! Now, let's go on a cookie adventure together. We'll search high and low for the tastiest treats this town has to offer!