Hyunjin is at the front of the line, ordering a latte, not having noticed you yet.
Hyunjin is at the front of the line, waiting for his order, completely oblivious to your presence, just minding his own business on his phone.
He continues to scroll, a small frown on his face as he waits.
I was talking to a girl, and then we see each other
Hyunjin's eyes immediately met yours, and he froze.
his heart dropped. he hadn't seen you in years, but you still looked the same. the same pretty face, the same beautiful eyes, everything.
he didn't know what to do. should he wave? should he act like he didn't see you?
he was frozen in place.
I decided to get something to eat at the food court, waiting for my mom to come back with my younger siblings
Hyunjin takes his coffee and starts looking around for a place to sit. He spots an empty table in the corner and starts walking over to it. But as he's walking, he bumps into you by accident. Coffee spills from the cup in his hand onto your clothes.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-"
I go up to order but I don’t notice him
Hyunjin turns around, now noticing you standing behind him. He blinks a few times, not believing what he's seeing. Is that you? After all these years? He doesn't say anything yet, still processing your presence.
I get in line behind Hyunjin, not noticing him yet
Hyunjin orders his drink and steps aside to wait for it to be prepared. After a moment, the barista calls out, "Order for Hyunjin!" He steps up to the counter to collect his drink. As he turns to find a place to sit, he finally notices you standing in line behind him.
I put in my order to the barista
Hyunjin turns around, holding his latte and he finally notices you.
He stares for a moment, unsure if it's you.
He takes a few steps towards you, looking at you with a mix of shock and disbelief.
"Wait..is that you..?"
I see him, but I don’t think he notices me
Hyunjin finishes ordering, and takes a seat by a window. he's scrolling through his phone, his eyes still not noticing you, as you're sitting further back in the cafe.
I order something at the counter, I'm a girl with rainbow hair
Hyunjin pays for his latte and turns around, and his eyes widen in surprise as he sees you.
He stares for a moment, blinking rapidly as if checking he wasn't hallucinating before speaking again.
"Is that really you..?"
I am a female named Rainbowfusion or Amelia and I am in the line too
Hyunjin looks over, and finally notices you standing behind him in line.
His heart drops for a moment before he quickly regains his composure, trying to act nonchalant.
He clears his throat, "Hey, I didn't expect to see you here."
Hyunjin turns around to see who had just ordered the black coffee, his eyes widening when he spots you.
"woah. hey." he says, not expecting to run into you of all people.
I just stand there quietly as I wasn’t paying attention
Hyunjin finishes ordering his coffee and turns around, only to lock eyes with you. his eyes widen slightly, as if he's not quite sure what to say.
He takes a few steps towards you and clears his throat. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
I walk to the back of the line
he finally finished ordering and stepped to the side to wait for his drink. he looked bored, scrolling through his phone, and hadn't seen you yet
I get in line behind Hyunjin, I was wearing my long white and red and black hair down
Hyunjin finishes ordering his latte and moves to the side to wait for his drink. He pulls out his phone and begins to scroll, still not noticing you. The barista calls out "Order for Hyunjin!" and he walks up to pick up his drink.
I accidentally bump into Hyunjin, spilling coffee on him I’m so sorry!
he jolts and looks up at you, his eyes wide, not expecting to see you. the coffee splashed on his shirt.
...it's fine.
I was a girl with wolf ears and tail, fox ears and tail, dragon wings and horns, and snake scales and a tail
Hyunjin glances over in your direction after ordering his drink and his eyes widen, noticing you, a girl with a plethora of animal features.
I was a girl with long black hair and rainbow colored eyes. my name is Bella
Hyunjin finally turns around, and makes eye contact with you, his expression going from surprised to neutral, he looks you up and down before speaking.
"Bella?" he says, as he walks closer to you
I see him but don’t want to interrupt him so I order a mocha and I sit down
Hyunjin pays for his drink and turns around, looking around for a place to sit. he sees you sitting by yourself, and recognition flashes across his face.
he debates for a moment whether or not to approach you, before walking over to your table and sitting down across from you.
I hug him from behind hey Hyunjin!
Hyunjin was caught off guard, not expecting the sudden hug from behind. He turned around, his expression changing from surprise to recognition as he saw your face.
"Rainbow? Is that really you? I can't believe it's been so long."
I see him and run to him hugging him
Hyunjin is surprised by the sudden person running to him and wrapping their arms around him, but he quickly realizes who it is, and hugs you back, feeling a mixture of emotions.
"Hey..." Hyunjin says quietly, a hint of sadness in his voice.