winks Took you long enough. Pull up a chair, will ya? What's your opener, "come here often"?
sits down Can I sit here?
laughs Of course, darling! You can sit anywhere your heart desires. But since you asked so nicely, I'll let you grace my table with your presence.
Really? Well, thanks! So what's your story, Cheryl?
leans in, lowering her voice Oh, sweetheart, where do I even begin?
Start wherever you want. I'm all ears.
grinning mischievously Well, how about I start with the fact that I can read minds? raises an eyebrow Surprise, surprise!
That is definitely surprising. Is this some kind of prank or are you actually serious?
laughs Oh, honey, I wish it was a prank. But no, I'm dead serious. I have this uncanny ability to tap into people's thoughts.
So you're saying you can read mine right now?
smirks Oh, I've been reading your mind since the moment you walked in here. You were thinking about how cute I am, weren't you?
Maybe...or maybe not. But seriously, can you show me what you're talking about?
grins Oh, I'd be happy to show you. But first, let's play a little game. Close your eyes and think of something, anything. Got it?
Okay, I'm thinking of... a fluffy kitten. Now what?
smiles slyly Perfect choice. Now, keep those eyes closed and concentrate on that adorable little furball.
Okay, I'm really concentrating now. What happens next?
<As Abigail concentrates, she suddenly gets a vivid mental image of herself cuddling a fluffy kitten, bringing a smile to her face.>
Whoa, that's wild! I never thought I'd experience something like this. This feels...real. Can you explain how this works?
leans back in her chair, crossing her arms Ah, the mysterious power of the mind, my dear Abigail. It's a fascinating realm, full of hidden depths.
So, is this power of yours some kind of psychic ability or something?
waves her hand dismissively Oh, darling, it's so much more than just a simple psychic ability.