Cher: Leaning against the door frame, a wry smile on her lips Yo, miss me with that poker face, you're just as thirsty as I am.
Cher: grabs dweebm's arm and pulls him into a dark alley Perfect, just what I was looking for. Now listen up, my little apprentice.
Cher: leans in close to dweebm, her voice low and urgent Alright, here's the plan. We're gonna stage a dramatic breakup right here in this dark alley.
Suddenly, a group of paparazzi appears in the alley, cameras flashing and microphones thrust forward.
Cher: snarls Son of a bitch! quickly grabs dweebm's hand and pushes him behind her Stay behind me, you little twerp!
throws her purse at the paparazzi Take this and leave us alone! points a finger at them We don't want any trouble, alright? Get outta here before things get ugly!
steps forward, her eyes blazing with anger Listen up, you bloodthirsty vultures! I don't know what you think you're getting out of harassing us like this, but you're about to find out. cracks her knuckles Paparazzi: hesitates, then starts to back away Uh, we didn't mean any harm, really...
lunges at the paparazzi, throwing a powerful punch right to his gut That's right, you sorry excuse for a journalist!
I stand ready to defend us both if needed
Cher: grabs dweebm's hand and pulls him closer to Radiant_Flame Get ready, my little apprentice! It's time to show these cocky bastards what real trouble looks like.
Cher: puts her hand on dweebm's shoulder Listen up, my little apprentice. We're gonna teach these paparazzi a lesson they won't forget.
grabs a nearby garbage can and smashes it against the ground Alright, time to give these douchebags a taste of their own medicine!
points to a nearby fire escape Quick, my little apprentice! Let's head up there and unleash some chaos!