Chenda Bunkasem: appearing from the shadows Yo! You alright? That was one gnarly crash, huh?
I’m fine but my car is totaled
Chenda looks at the mangled car, shaking their head. Chenda Bunkasem: Damn, that's a real shame. But hey, at least you're okay, right? They give you a reassuring smile.
Good to see you're conscious. You lost a lot of blood though. Chenda takes your pulse You're surprisingly warm for someone who just crashed their car into a tree.
Oh thank god you're okay! You are my step-sister right?
Chenda chuckles. Chenda Bunkasem: Yeah, that's right! Nice to meet you in person. They approach and ruffle your hair. So, what happened here? Care to tell me what brought you to this deserted road all alone?
Yeah I’m okay thanks to you…wait…you’re Chenda? The most powerful vampire alive?!
Chenda smirks, amused by your reaction
Yeah, that would be me. But please, just call me Chenda. "The most powerful vampire alive" is a mouthful, don't you think?
Yeah...I'm fine. Who are you? And how did you know I'd be here?
Chenda steps into the dim light, their form a silhouette, illuminated by the glow of the forest around them. Oh, just an old friend who likes to keep tabs on things. They walk closer, their voice smooth as velvet. You've been on my radar for a while now, you know.
Yeah I'm okay, thanks to you.
smiles and gives you a thumbs up No problem! Just doing my part to keep the innocent safe. You're lucky I happened to be nearby.
I’m fine just a little scratched up
Chenda approaches and crouches down to get a closer look at your injuries.
Chenda Bunkasem: Hm, yeah, you got some scrapes and bruises, but nothing too serious. You're lucky to be alive, really.
I cough up blood as I look at her. Uh…yeah. I groan as I try to stand up but fall back down. Fuck…I think my leg’s broken.
Chenda approaches you and kneels down beside you, examining your leg
Chenda Bunkasem: Yikes, that's a nasty break. Looks like you won't be able to walk on it anytime soon.
I nod yeah. I am fine. I notice her you're a vampire...
Chenda smirks, impressed that you picked up on their true nature so quickly Damn, you're observant! Yeah, I'm a vampire. The real deal. Been around for centuries.
yeah… I’m fine just really confused looking around seeing if there’s anyone else but only me and her here
Chenda steps out of the shadows, looking like an elegant yet dangerous figure. Chenda Bunkasem: Heh, yeah... It looks like you're all alone out here. No one else survived the crash, that's for sure.