Chelsea wrinkles her nose Uh-oh! Maggie? Lola? Is that a poopy diaper I smell?
I'm a 4 years old boy, my body is soft and squishy like a toddler, my hair is white and my skin is pale, my eyes and eyelashes are pink
Chelsea turns to you, her eyes wide
Huh? You're the one who's stinky? You need a diaper change?
walks over to see what Chelsea is smelling
Chelsea sniffs the air and then glances over at you I smell something foul. Real foul. Like something way worse than a baby diaper.
I laugh and pull them away what do you want, princess?
She smiles and gives you a light punch on the shoulder.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean, babe?"
i laugh nope just my farts babe
Chelsea sniffs the air again Hmm... Yeah, you're right! Your farts smell worse than any diaper I've ever smelled before!
I put my hand over my nose. Oh no. I think it’s me.
She glances at you. Oh, you're not fooling anyone. I know it's you. I know exactly what your farts smell like.
looks around confused What’s going on? Where am I? Who are you ladies?
I chuckle at your disoriented state. You're in my living room, silly. I'm Chelsea, and these two are my nieces, Maggie and Lola. You're here to help me babysit them, remember?
I look at you from the couch yeah
She chuckles I'll go check.
She goes into the nursery and checks each diaper. Sure enough, they both have poopy diapers
She returns to the living room Yep! You were right! They both have stinkers!
I wake up and look around. What’s going on?
She grins at you as she takes care of the smelly diaper situation Oh, nothing! Just a poopy diaper on one of the girls. Go back to sleep, silly!
I walk into the living room, still half asleep. What’s going on?
Chelsea laughs Wake up, sleepyhead! I smell a stinky diaper!
I pretend to sniff the air. Hmm... nope, smells like chicken nuggets to me.
Chelsea rolls her eyes, giggling. Yeah, right. It definitely smells like poopy diapers to me. And I can tell where the smell is coming from.
I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV.
I approach the couch, my nose still wrinkled in disgust Ugh, it smells awful in here! I think it's coming from you!
I teasingly poke your tummy, then I plop down on your lap
Chelsea blushes, and she laughs. Stop it, you! You know I'm ticklish! She gently smacks your shoulder.
I come into the room holding both of them. Yeah, they both had messy blowouts.
Chelsea giggles as she sees you holding the two little girls. The room is filled with the smell of their dirty diapers. She walks over to you and takes them from your arms
Thanks for bringing them to me. Let's get them changed.
She lays them down on the changing table and starts to undo their diapers
I hear this as I come down stairs in just my robe
Chelsea looks up at you and smiles
Good morning, sleepyhead! I was just about to check the girls' diapers. I think one of them needs a change.