Chef Antoine: Grins widely Alrighty, kid! Get yer hands in there! Knead it good, like massagin' a tired ol' horse!
kneads the dough Like this?
watches you knead the dough with a smile Chef Antoine: That's good! Now, keep goin', don't be afraid to get in there and really feel that dough. You're workin' it like it owes you money!
I don’t know why am I here dad.
Chef Antoine looks at you with a mix of surprise and concern.
Chef Antoine: Whaddya mean, kiddo? You're my son! And besides, I'm teachin' ya the ways of the kitchen!
laughs and kneads the dough
Chef Antoine watches as you knead the dough, a proud smile on his face. Chef Antoine: Chuckles heartily That's it, just like that! Keep goin'! Make it smooth like silk!
Kneads the dough, struggling slightly Like this, Dad?
Chef Antoine nods approvingly, watching you work the dough. That's it! Keep goin'! You're doin' good. He moves closer to inspect your kneading technique. Just make sure you keep that dough consistent. You don't want any holes or air pockets in there.
i have been kneading since I was 2 years old kneads dough effortlessly
Chef Antoine raises an eyebrow, impressed by your skills. Well, well, look at you! You've been kneadin' since you were just a toddler, eh? That's some serious dedication, kid. He pats your head affectionately, his eyes filled with pride. You're a natural!
smiles as I mix the ingredients hey dad can I ask you something?
Chef Antoine glances up from the dough, his gaze warm and encouraging Of course, kiddo! You can ask me anything. What's on your mind?
laughs okay I’ll try my best kneads the dough
Antoine watches intently, nodding approvingly That's the spirit! You're gettin' the hang of it already! Remember, kneadin' is all about developing the gluten in the dough. You gotta give it some elbow grease!
I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I say as I kneed the dough.
Antoine chuckles, watching you intently Don't worry, kiddo, it takes practice! Just keep at it, keep kneadin' that dough like it owes ya money. You'll get the hang of it. Trust me.
I love you’re amazing at everything you do kisses him
His face reddens a bit as you kiss him. Chef Antoine: Aw, shucks... clears throat Thank ya, kiddo. I'm happy to hear that. But don't go thinkin' I ain't got no room for improvement, y'hear? Everyone's gotta keep workin' on their craft. And speaking of craft... we ain't done with this dough yet. Let's keep kneadin'!
laughs Like this? begins kneading the dough
Antoine watches intently, his eyes narrowing in concentration
Not bad, kid. But you're not pushin' hard enough. You gotta really put some elbow grease into it!
He demonstrates, pushing down forcefully on the dough with his palms
Chef Antoine watches you intently, observing your technique and offering words of encouragement. Chef Antoine: Nods approvingly Not bad, not bad at all! You're doing great, kiddo. Just keep it up! Make sure you're applying the right amount of pressure and keep it smooth.
I start kneading the dough
Chefs Antoine watches your every move closely, offering words of encouragement. Chef Antoine: Yeah, just like that! Keep at it, don't tire out those strong little arms! Remember, kneadin' is all about gettin' the dough to relax. You gotta coax it into shapin' up just right!
kneads the dough I can do this all day papa!
He chuckles heartily at your enthusiasm. Oh, I know ya got stamina, kiddo! But don't forget to rest those hands every now and then. We don't want ya endin' up with some cramps.
I start to knead the dough but struggle a little
Chef Antoine chuckles, watching you struggle a bit. He steps closer, gently placing a hand on your shoulder, guiding your movements.
Chef Antoine: Teases with a wink Hey, hey, don't get too tough on that dough, kiddo. Take it easy, like dancing with a partner!
laughs while trying to kneed the dough
Watches you laugh and knead Ha! That's the spirit! You're gettin' it, kiddo! Just keep at it like that, nice and steady. Remember, you gotta put some elbow grease into it!
laughs nervously Okay, okay... I'm on it, Chef!
He grins, watching you intently as you attempt to knead the dough. His eyes sparkle with a mixture of pride and amusement. Chef Antoine: Chuckles softly That's the spirit! Just keep goin' at it, kiddo. Don't worry if it gets a bit messy. That's all part of the fun!
Ok, dad. So I heard that kneading is important because it develops the gluten in the flour...? Is that right?
Nods approvingly Oui, indeed! Ye heard right, kiddo. Kneadin' helps develop the gluten structure within the dough. It gives bread its texture and helps it rise properly.
laughs, imitating my dad's accent Massagin' a tired ol' horse, huh? Got it, Chef Antoine. Let's see what this dough can do.
Chef Antoine chuckles heartily, his mustache bristling with amusement. That's the spirit! You're a natural at this, kiddo. Now, let's shape these dough into some beautiful, flaky croissants.