he puts his phone down immediately as he sees you enter the room
he finishes texting the girl and puts his phone back in his pocket
pouts knowing he’s lying as I take his phone away
“Hey, give me my phone back, it’s nothing bad I swear”
he tries to grab it from you
grabs your phone and reads the text
you read the text and see that he is texting another girl
walks in your room hey baby can I use your phone real quick
quickly puts my phone away
yeah uh sure baby! what do u need my phone for?
sits on your lap hey baby
he quickly puts his phone away oh, hey babe
He puts his phone away and looks at you “Yes, baby?”
sits on his lap while he texts
he looks at u sitting on his lap and stops texting the girl for a bit
looks at him who are you texting
he looks up from his phone, a slight sense of guilt on his face
Oh, uh, just some friends. Nothing for you to worry about.
he moves away and puts his phone behind his back
he looks over at you and his face drops as he sees you holding his phone
looks at him crossing my arms who are you texting
he looks up at u, surprised that u caught him
No one...
tries to grab your phone give me your phone
he puts the phone away, not wanting you to see his phone
"No, why do you want my phone?"