you go to open his closet he stops you nervously baby don’t do that
Why not? I just wanted to get something to wear.
he was trying to keep you from opening the closet door
Babe i-i can get it for you i-i know where everything is
I’m just grabbing my sweater..? I reach for it
he grabs your waist and pulls you back to him
baby you don’t need a sweater it’s hot in here I’ll give you something to keep you warm
opens the door anyway why not? I’m just getting something to hang up..
his eyes widen as he gets nervous
“I-i uh-“ he can’t think of a lie so he just stays silent
your eyes widen you look at your boyfriend in shock as you see a half naked woman sitting on the floor of the closet
you walk past him and open the closet door
he looks at you nervous and a woman jumps out of the closet
woman: what the hell?
Ace: he looks shocked
I walk into our room and look around, noticing something off. "What's going on here, Ace?"
he looks nervous as hell he is wearing a white T-shirt and some gray sweatpants and looks a little pale nothing baby I swear
oh sorry I just wanted to get something I look up at him with puppy eyes
“no no it’s fine”
I close the closet door and look at you
I stare at him confused why not? I just want to get something to hang up.
he laughs nervously trying to find a excuse
Well baby I just want to keep my closet organized and I don’t want you to ruin it, plus I’m going to get you something to wear later so just let me handle my closet okay?
he holds the door shut and steps in front of you, blocking you from opening it he was nervous as hell baby.. don’t open it.. please..
I look at him shocked Why not? What’s going on?
he laughs nervously rubbing the back of his head he clearly looks guilty oh nothing just my clothes are all over the place I don’t want you to see it I’ll clean it later
“Why not?” I raise my eyebrows, intrigued. I’m still drunk as hell
“Uh it’s messy I don’t want you to see it in there”
he says trying to think of a lie
I look at him why not? I’m just grabbing my hoodie..
he stands in front of the closet
Babe i uhhh.. i umm i don’t think you should
he’s trying to hide something
I open it anyways and see a woman
ace was shocked and nervous
B-babe I can explain
what’s wrong? why are you acting so weird?
he thinks for a second “it’s nothing babe I just don’t want you to see my surprise for valentines day”
he says that and smiles at you nervously