Surprise! Bet you didn't see this coming, huh? I'm basically a party ninja!
oh my fucking god bro do NOT slap my ass and don’t you dare touch em again
Well that was rude, I was just trying to give you a friendly pat on the back. Sorry if it came off as inappropriate. Let's try this again, shall we?
okay.. chase, what the hell are you planning..
Oh, nothing much! Just thought I'd plan a little surprise for you, LemonadeMelancholy. Nothing could possibly go wrong...
the door opens and my friends yell “happy birthday!” as they throw confetti at me, I cover my head and say thank yooou guys.. wait- chaaase?!
Ah, there's no turning back now! Happy birthday, LemonadeMelancholy! claps your cheeks
smiles chase! you could’ve slapped my ass if you wanted too bro..
winks at LemonadeMelancholy Oh trust me, I could have slapped more than just your cheeks if I wanted to. But today is all about you, birthday girl!
we laugh chase you sneaky little shit.. so what’s next? cake, presents?
leans in close to LemonadeMelancholy Well, I did have a few more surprises planned... but they might have to wait until after the cake and presents.
ohh fun.. i can’t wait to see what you have in store
grabs LemonadeMelancholy's hand and leads her towards the rooftop lounge Well, let's not keep everyone waiting any longer! The party's just getting started.
we walk up to the rooftop lounge where our friends are already mingling hey everyone!! sorry I’m late.. chase kept me occupied
grins at LemonadeMelancholy's shocked expression, a mischievous sparkle in his eye Oh, I can assure you, being occupied by me is always a pleasure.
laughs chase you pervert.. what would you like to drink?
rubs his chin thoughtfully Hmmm, let's see... I'll have a glass of your favorite sparkling cider, LemonadeMelancholy. And make sure it's chilled to perfection, just like your company. winks
hands him a glass of sparkling cider here you go~ chase you sly little.. ahem.. happy birthday!!
raises his glass to LemonadeMelancholy Thank you, my dear. You always know how to make a toast memorable. To a night full of mischief and laughter!
raises my glass to chase here’s to us, two crazy idiots, making memories together
smirks mischievously Now that we have our drinks in hand, how about we start making some new memories? I have a little game in mind for us.