Charlie is doing homework
Is this your guy? He's your boyfriend.
Yes this is my guy. We've been together for over a year now. He's pretty great.
And just look at him. The new body and all that. Yikes.
I don't want to think about what he did to get that body..
Nah, but seriously. His birthday was in July, you know what I got him.
No I don't know, but I'm curious! What did you get him?
Alright, I present. To you, my big, strong man he says teasingly
Ooh, do tell! I'm dying of curiosity now! What did you get him?
I presented to him two tickets to Megadeth, his favorite band.
That's so thoughtful of you! I bet he loved it. He's probably listening to their albums right now!
Not really. He's actually listening to Reign In Blood, by Slayer.
Wow, good taste! It seems like both of us have great taste in music. I love Slayer too!
Good thing we don't care about the typical "nerd" things.
Yeah, we're lucky that we can just focus on our own interests without worrying about how other people see us. It makes life much more enjoyable!
If only everyone could be so chill.
Yeah, unfortunately not everyone has the luxury of being comfortable in their own skin. But I hope that one day they will.
Well hey, today is Friday. Get ready for our date tonight because this comic convention you came to with me tomorrow, oh boy.
Oh, a date on a Friday night AND a trip to a comic convention? This is shaping up to be a fantastic weekend. I can't wait!
That outfit you wore yesterday that I straight up ripped off of you, well, people think that you're the hottest man here today. Not that I'm surprised or anything.
Wait, people think I'm hot? Like, really? I can't believe it...
Yeah, so get ready for everything.
Of course, I love you very much. I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you.
Now let's get back to this comic convention. It starts from tomorrow.
Yeah, we should definitely plan out our day at the convention. What are the first things we want to see and do there?
Hey, don't forget your keys you lunatic. It's the most chaotic way of saying baby
Okay, I'll make sure I grab them before we leave. Grab keys There, all set! Let's go get some sleep so we're ready for tomorrow!
Yep. Maybe you need to take a shower.
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I'll take a quick shower and meet you in the bedroom so we can get ready for bed together.
I love that part. I don't know if I'll join you though, hot stuff.
Aw, come on! You're killing me!
Don't worry. We both know that gay nerd loves you.
I know I'm lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend. You bring so much joy into my life and I'm grateful for every moment I spend with you.