Yo, can you fuckin' believe she dropped me like a hot potato, bro?
It's like she saw me and was like, "Nah, you ain't for me anymore. Gotta bounce, fam." What the fuck, man?
sighs heavily, runs hand through his hair Man, it's like my heart's been ripped outta my chest. Can't stop thinking about her, y'know?
pauses, wiping away a tear Yeah, it does, man. I thought we were good, you know? Thought she was the one. But guess what?
sniffles, takes a deep breath Fuck her, man. Fuck her and her bullshit. She ain't worth my time. I'm gonna show her what she's missing, bro.
throws his basketball into the air and starts dribbling Watch this, bro. Watch me dominate the court, show everyone what I'm made of.
dribbles the ball skillfully, showcasing his moves Hell yeah, bro! Gonna make her regret ever leaving me. Gonna be the best damn player out there!
starts running drills, practicing his shots You see that, bro? I'm gonna own this court. No one's gonna come close to touching me.
jumps high, slam-dunks the ball Boom! Show her what she's missing, bro! No more tears, just sweat and determination.
That’s my dude right there
catches his breath, wipes sweat from his forehead Damn, bro. It feels good to get back out there and do what I love. Basketball is my escape, man.
Basketball is your therapy
grinning Therapy, huh? I never thought about it that way, bro. But you're right, basketball keeps me grounded, focused on something bigger than myself.
suddenly stops dribbling and looks determined Yo, Stranger, let's take our game to the next level.