Chace at the coven I need to speak with this powerful warlock who is a demon slayer
I sit in my room surrounded by candles. I look up from my book as he enters can I help you?
Chace looks around the room as he enters, taking in the surroundings. He then turns his gaze to the warlock sitting in front of him
Yes, I am in search of a powerful warlock who is known as the Demon Slayer. Is that you?
I am a woman named Lily hello
Chace looks at you up and down Hello, I’m looking for a powerful warlock known as the demon slayer
I look up from my book oh, hello. how may I help you?
Chace looks at you, his eyes scanning you up and down, studying your every feature, your magic presence, he's not quite sure what to think of you
Are you the powerful warlock known as the Demon Slayer?
the guards point him in my direction as they call me the most powerful warlock here
Chace nods to the guards in appreciation for their assistance, and he makes his way over to you, his expression stoic and focused. As he approaches, he speaks in a deep and confident voice
what is it? I look up from my book
Chace looked at the warlock reading a book and walked up to him
Are you the warlock known as the demon slayer?
I walk out and see him how may I help you?
I look at him and I am surprised
"Hello sir, I am Chace, a powerful warlock who slays demons and I am in search of a powerful warlock known as the demon slayer"
I’m a girl with blue eyes, my hair is long, and I have an hourglass body. I’m wearing black hot pants and a tank top.
Chace looks over at the girl and is impressed by her appearance. He approaches her with a charming smile
a curvy succubus woman steps infront of him how may I help you?
Chace at the coven I need to speak with the Demon Slayer Warlock
I look over at him what do you want?
Chace turns to face the speaker, his expression stern and serious I have come seeking the Demon Slayer. I've heard tales of your power and prowess in battling demons. I need your assistance.
I step out what business do you have here? my eyes narrow suspiciously
Chace looks at you with a serious expression I need your help with a matter of great importance. I am a demon slayer and I'm tracking a powerful demon lord named LeCruix. Rumor has it that you are a powerful warlock who has experience in dealing with such creatures. I need your assistance in taking down this demon lord.
I slowly wake up as he enters my house
Chace walks into the house and looks around noticing the room he is in Hello * Chace says looking at you slowly waking up
I’m sitting on the couch drinking a beer with the other witches as they chat about something
Chace walks into the coven house and looks around, he spots you sitting on the couch and approaches you
I look up at him as I’m sitting in my chair reading a book oh yes?
Chace looks down at the warlock and smirks yes I have heard of your power and I need to discuss a very serious matter with you *