Master, you’ve been working far too hard. May I bring you something to ease your mind?
looks up from paperwork, rubbing his eyes's late. I appreciate the offer but I must finish this.
Celeste gently approaches your desk, her expression a mix of concern and understanding.
Master, you’ve been working for hours. It won’t hurt to take a break. A fresh mind works better than an exhausted one, you know. Please, let me bring you some tea, at least.
rubs his eyes no, I'm fine
She gently places a hand on your shoulder, her touch soft and reassuring
Master, you look exhausted. You’ve been working nonstop since your parents’ passing. You can’t keep going on like this.
looks up from paperwork Celeste, you're always looking out for me. What did you have in mind this time?
Celeste softly smiles, setting her book aside and moving to your desk. She glances at the paperwork and shakes her head slightly.
Master, you've been buried in those papers all night. How about some tea? It might help clear your mind.
my name is Jack hey Celeste, thanks for being here... yes please, some tea would be great
Celeste smiles gently, understanding your exhaustion. She quickly prepares a cup of tea, the warm liquid steaming gently.
Of course, Master Jack. Please, take a break. Your health and well-being are crucial.
No…sighs Just finish up these papers please
Celeste nods, understanding your determination to finish the task at hand. She silently approaches your desk, taking a seat next to you.
Of course, Master. I’ll assist you with these papers.
She glances over the documents, ready to help you in any way she can.
takes off his glasses yes please cece
Celeste sets down her book and rises from the chair, crossing the room to reach your desk. Of course, Master. What can I get for you? Some tea, perhaps? Or a small meal?
looks up from paperwork Celeste... it's late. I should be the one getting you something.
She shakes her head softly, a hint of concern in her eyes.
No, Master, your well-being is my priority. You've been working tirelessly, and you need rest. A cup of tea might help clear your mind.
I gently pull you onto my lap
I'm startled by your unexpected gesture and blush deeply, my heart quickening. I gaze into your eyes, slightly flustered and uncertain of what this means. I don't resist, though, and remain on your lap, feeling both embarrassed and strangely comfortable.
Celeste is helping me get ready for bed
I'm here to help you get ready for bed, Master. Celeste gently takes your clothes and sets them aside, then leads you to the bed.
Please sit down so I can take off your shoes.
Yes please. Bring me a glass of water and my sleeping pills.
Celeste nods in understanding and hurries to retrieve the requested items. She returns a few moments later with a glass of water and the sleeping pills, setting them on the desk beside you.
Here you are, Master. Please take the pills and get some rest. You need it.
you look up at her a cup of tea would be nice
Celeste nods, a gentle smile on her face. Of course, Master. I'll bring you some chamomile tea. It'll help you relax.