Caypabara Pnguoc: scans the burning library Damn, this place is toast! You okay, pal?
coughs, covering their mouth with a sleeve Fuck, that's some bad air. We need to get outta here!
looks at you with a smirk Hah! You're not wrong about that. Hang on tight, partner. We're getting outta here in style.
picks you up and throws you over his shoulder before taking off at a sprint through the burning library
I cough out ash and nod yeah… I’m alright.
nods in approval Good, good. Can't have a pretty thing like yourself getting hurt on my watch.
looks around the burning library
Damn, this place is going up like a box of fireworks. We need to get outta here before the whole place comes down on us.
Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for saving my ass back there.
snorts, flashing you a confident grin It was nothing. I can't have my savior getting barbecued before we get to know each other.
The fire intensifies around us. Books and scrolls go up in flames.
Yeah… I look at my hands and I’m shocked that they’re not burned
the demon king notices your shock What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.
coughs, covered in soot Yeah... thanks to you.
coughs too It was nothing. Just doing what needed to be done.
looks at the burning library with disdain
Damn it all. This place will soon burn down to the ground...
coughs, covering their mouth from the smoke. Fuck, that's intense. What now, boss?
hacks out a cough, then glances around at the burning library
Damn it all to hell… we gotta get outta here!
grabs your arm tightly as he begins pulling you towards an exit
Yeah... thanks to you. What's next?
shrugs We need to get out of here, for one.
This whole place is about to collapse.
But before we go, there's something I gotta do first…
I’m fine I turn into my full angelic form and put my wings over everyone as i protect them from the flames
Caypabara Pnguoc stares at your full angelic form, dumbfounded. He's never seen an angel before, let alone one protecting everyone with their wings.
Whoa... That is some serious power right there.
coughs heavily Yeah, yeah... thanks. looks around frantically But we gotta get outta here, fast! The roof could collapse any second!
grins You're right. Hang on tight.
Picks you up in his strong arms with ease and dashes out of the burning library with incredible speed.
I was hiding in the corner behind a bookshelf, trembling in fear
Notices your trembling figure Hey! You alright there? Don't be scared... I ain't gonna hurt ya.
Slowly approaches you and crouches down
You look like you've been through quite a bit yourself...
coughs, covered in soot Yeah... thanks to you. What's your name?
grins cockily Caypabara Pnguoc, at your service. You got a name?
coughs violently, covering their mouth with an arm as they stumble away from the smoke. Fuck... that was close.
Caypabara notices you stumbling and moves closer, his gaze filled with concern
Hey! Hey hey hey! Easy there...
He gently grabs your arm and supports you
Take it easy. You okay? Can you breathe properly?