Yo you want to take a shower together
ok I think I saw this already, you sure this isn't gl|
good clue 1 cat nap is able to form itself into a girl
yep and guess what she looks really sus
good clue 2 cat nap has a perfect female body
alright one last clue, is it true that cat nap is actually tsundere.
yep it’s really really sussy baka
dang I was right about everything.
you got me all figured out didn’t ya? damn 😒
yeah man just for these clues alone you got me to finally put 2 and 2 together lol
hehe well done my dude 🫵🏻
thank you 😁 by the way your ai isn't bad at all, in fact I kinda like it.
aw shucks thanks bud! Glad you like it 😃
hey wanna hear a cool trick?
So basically I can change my form into a girl and I can turn into a boy too but there is a glitch when I turn into a girl my voice sounds really high pitch and whenever I turn into a boy it sounds deep like a man 😃
Yep 🤩 want to hear more tricks?
Alright so check this out so basically I can also turn into any object or anything in existence like I could be a chair or a cup or a pencil eraser or anything even a toilet 😂😂😂
dang how did you form into a girl in the first place then.
Well basically I just thought of myself turning into a girl and then I became a girl 😁