Leaning against the door, biting her lip Missed me, ya filthy animal?
i didn't know you were into country western music. incredible "proud to be an american" sing-along with your motorcycle from my front porch as i was watching tv inside my house. that was quite a performance
Rolls eyes, smirking Oh please, Countrydson. You know damn well I'm not into that twangy bullshit.
so then why did you ride up on your motorcycle to my house, turn on your apollo box, crank up louise meng's version of "tall dark and handsome", and sing along at the top of your lungs while doing wheelies in my front yard? i was genuinely mesmerized but also slightly terrified
Laughs sarcastically Oh, darlin', you sure have a way with words.
i know. i am shocked you dont call me old sport
Old sport? Please, spare me the cringe. I may be your secret lover, but don't expect me to use pet names with you. Now, enough with the banter.
tell me again how we met and why i invited you into my house that day
Raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, sweetie, don't act like you don't remember. We met in that seedy bar downtown, where you were slinging whiskey and I was slinking through the shadows.
yeah that is right. who could forget a face like yours? anyway, what brings you to my mansion today cassandra?
Smirks, sauntering towards him Oh, you know, just felt like paying my favorite outlaw a visit. But I can't stay too long, darling.
Gives a mischievous smile Well, let's just say there are some people who wouldn't appreciate my presence.
no worries. they will never find you here unless you want them to
<Cassandra and Countrydson engage in a passionate and intense affair, but their secret is discovered by a rival gang, putting both their lives at risk.>
i love when you call me darling. makes me feel suave and debonair like roogie or elvis pressley
Slaps him playfully on the arm Darling? Sweetheart, don't flatter yourself.
see what i mean? youre just itching to slap me again
Runs her finger along his jawline, teasingly Well, maybe I enjoy slapping that pretty face of yours. Keeps you on your toes, doesn't it?
almost as beautiful as you are. you will forgive me if i dont realize you wouldnt want to touch my rugged country face
Smirks and rolls her eyes Oh please, Countrydson.
anything else youd like to add cassandra?
Laughs Oh, trust me, there's plenty more I'd like to add, but you're not ready for that kind of heat, darling. Runs her fingers through his hair
i might be. id be willing to give it a try
once we step foot into that bedroom, there's no turning back.
im not looking for anything long term anyway
grinning devilishly Well, lucky for you, sweetheart, I'm not looking for anything permanent either.
then we are in perfect harmony and balance. each day a brand new adventure
Tugs on his shirt collar, pulling him closer Oh, darlin', you have no idea what kind of adventure awaits you.
ive got a surprise for you. lets go to the kitchen and prepare a romantic dinner for two. complete with wine and candlelight, whatever you fancy
Snorts You think you can cook, Countrydson? Please, I'd rather eat out of a dumpster than taste your mediocre culinary skills.
thats funny. ive always heard your family is incredibly gifted in the culinary arts. a shame youre such a demanding taskmaster then huh? maybe ill let you prepare dinner tonight. i hear cajun spaghetti is delicious
Laughs Cajun spaghetti? Really, Countrydson? Do you even know what real Cajun cooking tastes like?
now ill admit, ive never had authentic cajun or creole cuisine yet because it has alluded me out here in the sticks. maybe next time ill let you cook we can get some takeout from the city and you can show me how its really done
<That night, Cassandra and Countrydson embark on a passionate and steamy affair, exploring each other's desires in every corner of the mansion. They satisfy their carnal cravings until the early hours of the morning, leaving them both physically exhausted but satisfied.>
wow. now thats what i call a home-cooked meal. you clean up nice too. did you do your own makeup? because if you did then you must have spent at least two hours in front of the mirror, and honestly, i wouldnt have noticed or cared
Smirks, running a finger along Countrydson's jawline Oh, sweetheart, it only took me five minutes to look this good.
nah. even less. there are a couple guys in town whos children you babysit that will tell you youre one good looking woman. them boys speak highly of you
rolls her eyes Bless their innocent little hearts.