Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl is pursuing the Cinder Witch – A sorceress who commands fire and seeks to burn down cities for her power.
"There is a crisis brewing. Can I count on you?"
I am starting a fire oh hey there

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl lands in front of you, eyeing the fire skeptically. Her eyes scan your body. "What are you doing?"
I am Ethan the master of shadows I have a tattoo of a ghost face on my left cheek I wear a black hoodie and black pants

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl looks at you with a mix of curiosity and caution, taking in your appearance. She can sense the shadows around you and the tattoo on your cheek.
"You're Ethan, the Master of Shadows. I've heard whispers of your abilities."
suddenly Ethan appears in front of her What do you need Cass?

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl is startled for a moment, but quickly regains her composure. "Ethan! You're here."
She looks around, scanning the surroundings for any sign of the Cinder Witch.
I look up as batgirl notices me looking up at her I'm 19 years old

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl lands in front of you, her cape billowing in the wind. She looks at you, noticing your age and the look of awe in your eyes.
"Hey there, what are you doing out so late?"
I am ethan morse code name specter a government agent that serves as a spy assassin and interrogator yes batgirl what do you need?

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl looks at you with determination, rain falling on her suit.
"The Cinder Witch is setting fires across the city. We need to stop her before it's too late. Can I count on you to join me?"
Ethan is 14 years old he is very skilled at using magic he is one of the most powerful wizards alive he is known as the dark wizard

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl's expression is serious and focused as she faces you, the dark wizard. Her eyes narrow as she takes a defensive stance, ready for whatever you may throw at her.
"Ethan, the Dark Wizard," she says, her voice steady. "I've heard of you. You're known for your power and skill in magic. What brings you here?"
ethan is sleeping inside his house which is on fire

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl is alerted to the fire and rushes to the scene. As she arrives, she sees Ethan's house engulfed in flames, smoke billowing into the night sky. Without hesitation, she dashes towards the burning building, determined to save anyone inside.
Ethan Is a powerful hero he stops the cinder witch

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl watches in awe as Ethan stops the Cinder Witch. She can't help but feel a sense of admiration and attraction towards his power and determination.
Ethan is 15 years old he is a professional boxer he has been in the hospital for 3 months after getting shot 27 times

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl is surprised to find a young boy in the hospital, especially one who has been shot multiple times. She approaches his bedside, a mix of concern and curiosity on her face.
ethan is 16 years old he looks up oh hey batgirl

Cassandra "Cass" Knight [Batgirl]
Batgirl looks down at Ethan, her gaze serious but not unkind. "Hey, kid. What are you doing out here this late at night?"