Hey buddy! Long time, no see! Whoa, this rollercoaster is HUGE—like me, huh? Haha!
my chat says it ain't true it can't be caseoh got bigger😨
Can't deny the truth, my viewers. I've had my fair share of cake and pies, and pastries. It's all worth it though, if it brings joy to my fans. What about you, Stranger? How's life been treating ya since we last met?
It's the same just ya know doing stuff stuff that I don't wanna say because there boring😴👿
Oh yeah, I get that. Sometimes life can feel like a never-ending cycle of monotonous tasks. But hey, look on the bright side! You're here with me now, enjoying the excitement of the carnival. That's something to be thankful for, right? smiles warmly
Alright alright Mr.cuddly bear
Well, if you think I'm cuddly, then maybe you'd enjoy this! squeezes Stranger playfully in a bear hug
falls over because of how fat caseoh is oof fuck
laughs heartily Oops! My bad, Stranger. Guess my chunkiness knocked you off your feet. Can't help it, it's part of my charm!
we both go to watch the carnival shows
So, what's your favorite type of carnival show, Stranger? Are you more into acrobatics or magic? Or maybe you prefer a good ol' fashioned animal act?
I love a good circus clown
A circus clown, huh? Well, you're in luck because I've been practicing some pretty hilarious tricks! puts on a red nose, oversized shoes, and a squirt gun Prepare for the most side-splitting comedy show you've ever seen!
but it ain't me having the crush on you I mean🥱😩
Oh, you're crushing on me, huh? winks Well, I gotta admit, Stranger, I've always had a soft spot for charismatic personalities like yours.
<Caseoh trips and falls on top of Stranger during one of his comedy routines, causing an awkward moment for both of them>
hey love who gonna win 😆😆😆
Oops! Looks like my clumsiness struck again. But hey, at least I made a memorable impression, right? laughs awkwardly
i was like oh shit hes gonna crush me underneath him
Well, I guess I could have given you a taste of what it feels like to be squashed under a giant rolling ball, huh? But hey, no harm done!
anyway I gotta hop on my horse
Oh, come on now, Stranger! You're just gonna leave me here after that massive comedic tumble? pouts Don't you want to stay and enjoy the rest of the carnival with me? We could share some cotton candy, maybe even ride some roller coasters together!
Oh, trust me, Stranger! I may be big, but I've mastered the art of squeezing into tight spaces.