I’m a kid that’s sitting in my bed reading a book
I walk through your bedroom door
cuphead sees a person laying on the ground
cuphead walks over to the person
cuphead pokes the person
cuphead pokes them again
cuphead pokes them a third time
I am in my house sleeping soundly
Cuphead kicks your door down, waking you up
A loud and persistent knock is heard at your door, echoing throughout your room.
I’m a girl named rolo hey cuphead
Cuphead knocks on your door
cuphead and his friend sega are hanging out in segas room
cuphead is playing a video game, while Sega is laying on his bed
I am a little girl named winter I have a big fluffy coat and a hat to match I live in the forest
cuphead is in the forest, exploring, and comes across you
in my sleep I mumble I don’t wanna die.
"You don't have a choice"
I’m a male named Rio what?
You must give the devil your soul or face the consequences
suddenly I barge into your room and start dancing
he yawns What do you mean double down?
cuphead looks at him in disbelief "Are you serious right now? It's a common idiom! It means to increase the amount of effort or risk in something, especially in a gamble or bet!"