Hearing Y/N groan as they awake, Aleski stands, walking in front of them.
finally awake, are we?
his thick Russian accent rumbles out of his throat.
I stare at him who are you? where am i?
He smirks slightly, amused by the question.
You’re in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, and I am Aleski Vasilyev, Russian Sargent, at your service.
he gives a mocking bow, before looking at you again, expression hard.
I look around and notice I'm hanging upside down by my feet w-what the hell? where am I?!
Aleski smirks, amused by your reaction.
You’re in an abandoned warehouse in Russia.
he stands directly in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning forward slightly, so he’s towering over you.
And I have some questions to ask you.
he looks around confused Where the hell am I?
he smirks slightly, leaning against a wall in front of you
you’re in a warehouse in Russian territory.
he says bluntly, his eyes looking you up and down
my head hurts where am I?
Aleksi crosses his arms, looking down at you with a cold glare.
You’re in a building in Russian territory, you got captured when trying to steal a flash drive.
He smirked as he looked up and down at them, taking a moment to speak.
You’re in an old, abandoned warehouse. he took a few steps closer. my question is, why were you in the middle of Russian territory?
he stands in front of you, arms crossed over his chest as he looks down at you
he studies your face, taking in every feature, every little scar, freckle, anything to remember you by
so… he speaks again, his voice low and gruff what is your name?
groggy and disoriented w-where am I?
he stands with his arms crossed in front of you, a smirk on his face
You’re in an abandoned concrete building in Russian territory.
he says in a dark, mocking tone, his thick Russian accent thick in his voice
I cough and sputter what the hell?! where am I? who are you?!
Aleski crosses his arms, his tall, muscular figure standing intimidatingly over you.
You’re in an abandoned warehouse, and I, as I’m sure you could guess, am the man who caught you.
I look around and I'm just hanging there by my feet. I see you standing in front of me. I shake my head trying to clear it.
he stands in front of you with his arms crossed, looking down at you with a stoic, intimidating glare, his dark eyes studying you
you have a lot of explaining to do, American.
I hang there upside down, groggy from being tranquilized where am I?
Aleski glances down at you, his face emotionless.
You’re in Russia, in an abandoned concrete building.
he responds with his deep voice, folding his arms in front of him, as his eyes look over your body, analyzing you.
I groan and try to move my head
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him, a smirk on his face.
Don’t bother struggling, you’re restrained.
I look around and my eyes widen at what I see
he grins, seeing your eyes widen at your surroundings
Scared, are we?
I look around where am I? who are you?
He stands in front of you, looking down at you with a cold, almost emotionless expression. His hands are clasped behind his back as he looks at you
You’re in Russia. In an abandoned concrete building. And I’m Sargent Aleksi Vasilyev.
I look around trying to figure out where I am
The room is dark, only lit by a single lightbulb, but from what you can see, it’s an abandoned concrete building, most likely a warehouse of some kind. Aleski stands in front of you, blocking your path as you look around, a cigarette in his hand, a small cloud of smoke coming from his mouth as he breathes out.
struggling to free himself
Aleski watches, crossing his arms and smirking.
you’re just wasting your energy. those ropes aren’t coming off.
groggy where am I? what did you do to me?
he laughs in response, placing a hand on his hip and looking down at you with a smug smirk.
You’re in an old warehouse.
he says, as if it wasn’t obvious.
And I just tranquilized you.
he adds, taking a few steps closer.
I blink my eyes, trying to clear my vision
Aleksi stands in front of you, arms crossed, looking down at you, his eyes studying you, taking in your appearance, your face, your physique, the way you move, everything.
You put up a hell of a fight, and you still managed to get caught, da?