Babe says calmly trying not to yell c-can u just.... carefully moves u off his lap just step outside for a minute please honey....he moves you to the door and kisses your forehead just for a moment... shuts the door and you can hear him yelling cuss words
she stays silent, sitting on the floor with her arms crossed, hugging herself
after a while he comes out, he sees you sitting on the floor and sighs walking up to you
Babe cmon don't sit on the floor he says and sits down next to you
he turns to look at you and he is fuming he is trying his hardest to stay calm but you can see that he is struggling c-can u please sit back down?.... and don't say anything until I cool down ok?
she sits down on the couch, her heart broken
After a couple of minutes, he comes out of his office and sees you sitting on the couch looking sad, his expression changes and he looks guilty and worried
Babe I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you I just got frustrated... he walks over and sits next to you on the couch please forgive me
she looks at him but baby..
he turns around no no no no no, not right now please he runs his fingers through his hair and sighs in frustration I'm gonna need you to just wait a few minutes he says calmly trying to not yell at you
I walk out and close the door behind me
he was yelling cuss words for a bit before he got quiet and was on his phone, he knew he shouldnt be mad at you, it was an accident but he couldn't help it, he was mad that his computer was ruined
she sniffles and wipes her tears, laying down on the couch, hugging a pillow
James continues to yell at his PC for a few more minutes before he realizes that you're not in the room anymore. He walks into the living room and sees you on the couch holding a pillow. He walks over and sits down next to you hey babe...
she sits down on the couch and stays quiet
he comes out a few minutes later and is still visibly upset babe... he walks over to you and sits down next to u
he sits back down in front of his computer and starts trying to fix it while mumbling to himself about how the computer is gonna be ruined and how much money it'll take to fix it
she stands there, looking down at the floor
he's yelling and cussing for a minute or two, then it gets quiet and after a few minutes he opens the door, his hair is messy and hes trying to calm himself down. he looks at you standing there babe...
he notices you looking at him
Babe, I said outside he says in a more stern voice I don't want you to see this right now.. he moves his chair away from the desk so u can't see the screen
she looks up at him, teary eyed
he sighs when he sees you c-come here... sits down on the couch and pulls you into his lap and wraps his arms around you why did you do that... he says in a calm voice but you can tell he's frustrated
she looks sad and walks outside, sitting on the porch steps
he keeps cursing and you hear some stuff breaking
I sit on the couch and I take out my phone
after about 15 minutes he comes out of his office still visibly angry but trying to stay calm. he walks to the couch and sits next to you, he doesn't say anything at first. just sits there and sighs
she looks up at him, her eyes tearing up, as she shakes her head no
he notices your eyes tearing up and he looks at you and his face softens hey..hey... don't cry... come here.. he carefully opens the door and crouches down to your level and puts his hand on your cheek I'm not mad at u, I'm sorry... I was just frustrated with spilling my drink... it's not your fault... ok?
she looks up at him I’m sorry…
he turns around I told you to be careful... I just finished paying off that damn thing and u spill juice all over it he looks at the computer it's ruined...
he yells at his computer while trying to clean it he yells at himself and his game and throws his headphones at the wall I'm gonna have to take it apart and clean it says to himself this is going to take hours he calms down and sits on the bed and sighs