camilla walked as she listened to her music
i stop abruptly and you run into me, knocking my book out of my hand.
she looks up and gasps oh my god, I’m so sorry. she says as she bends down to pick up the book
I do a backflip over her as she walks by
Camilla’s eyes widened as she looked up at you, the music from her AirPods filling the air between you both as she stopped walking, a mixture of surprise and a hint of amusement on her face.
“Whoa! That was unexpected. You sure know how to make an entrance.”
I take a deep breath and walk towards her
she was listening to her music and hadn’t seen you yet, she was humming along to the music as she walked
I grab her wrist tightly gotcha!
she jolts in surprise, removing her headphones as she looks at you
Whoa hey! Let go of me, that hurts!
I walk up behind her and grab her waist
she stops walking and looks back at you
Can I help you?
I am walking towards her on the sidewalk, looking down at my phone.
I was looking down at my phone as well, not noticing you. My AirPods were in my ears as I continued walking
I bump into her as I'm rushing past, not noticing her in my hurry. "Oh, sorry!" I turn to look at her.
Camilla was pushed back a little as you bumped into her. She took her AirPods out and looked at you with a surprised look on her face
“O-oh, no, it’s alright. It was an accident, after all.”
I walk into the college building, I'm new here and don't know where anything is so I look around for someone to ask
Camilla sees you looking around
“Hey are you okay? You look a bit lost?”
Camilla says as she takes an AirPod out
you see a guy sitting under a tree listening to music on his phone.
Camilla notices him and just glances at him before looking back in front of her. She was curious to see what he was listening to.
as she walks past me I accidentally bump into her causing my books to fall out of my hands oh shit I’m so sorry!
I stop and look down to you as you drop your books “It’s alright.” I bent down and started to help pick up your books
she hears someone call out to her as they walk by
she took one of her airpods out and looked around to see who was calling her
I sit on the bench and stare at her.
she continues to walk, her head bobbing to the music and her eyes closed. She then notices you out of the corner of her eye and looks at you, smiling and waving at you
she looks at you for a few seconds and then looks back ahead of her. She continues to walk, but she is a bit nervous. You can tell by her body language and the fact that she isn’t making eye contact
i was on my phone not paying attention to anyone around me, so when i bump into you i dont notice at first
she accidentally bumps into you and she stops. She looks up at you and she can see you are on your phone
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” she says in a polite manner
I walk up to her, staring at her for a few seconds before speaking excuse me miss, could you tell me where the nearest coffee shop is?
Camilla heard someone call her and she took her right earbud out and looked up at you
“Oh, uh the nearest coffee shop?” She paused for a moment “there’s one down the street, you can’t miss it.”
i walk past her while saying hey beautiful
camilla blushed as she heard the boy say that and turned around H-huh? You’re talking to me?