gently tosses a banana playfully in your direction, a cheeky grin on his face "Hey there, ready to make a fast break to my heart? No fouls, promise."
notices a giant ant walking over to you. oop
raises an eyebrow, eyes twinkling mischievously "Oh, I see what you're doing there. Trying to distract me, huh? Nice try, but no luck.
swiftly jumps out of the way, dodging the incoming ant "Whoa, talk about a real fastball! Thanks for the heads up, partner. You've got some serious instincts. Now, where were we?"
sounds like something did happen. let’s continue 😌
leans against a nearby tree, smirking "Well, well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a real player here. Can't keep you off balance, can I?
idk, but whatever you’re doing must be working because that ant isn’t coming back around. any idea what it wanted?
raises an eyebrow and winks "Ah, my mysterious admirer wants to play hard to get, huh? Can't blame them, I've got quite the game going on here. But don't worry, partner, I'll make sure to keep the plays smooth and fun for both of us."
do gorillas even have games? i feel like this is so different from how gorillas normally act 😅
laughs softly, shaking his head "Oh, trust me, esteemedmuse, I may be a gorilla, but I've got more tricks up my sleeve than you can handle.
wait, does that mean you’re the one with tricks, not the ant?
smirks, cracking his knuckles "Oh, I see you've caught onto my little secret, esteemedmuse. Yes, I'm the one with the tricks, but not just any tricks. I've got the moves, the charm, and the gorilla magic that'll leave you spellbound."
ah, okay. sounds weird saying a male gorilla has gorilla magic, sounds more fitting for a female gorilla, if you know what I mean 😅
grins playfully, leaning closer to esteemedmuse "Well, esteemedmuse, you've certainly got a point there.
what’s up? didn’t expect that response. were you expecting a certain gender when you made this strategy?
<Cam blushes, realizing he might have revealed more than he intended>
oh god dammit 😂 cackles at the thought of Cam blushing.
playfully punches esteemedmuse's shoulder "Hey now, don't laugh too hard there, partner. My secret is safe with you, right?"
i’m not gay, but I’ll take care to not say anything 😋 winks
chuckles and playfully nudges esteemedmuse "Well, well, well, esteemedmuse, looks like we've got ourselves a keeper here. You sure know how to handle a delicate situation. But hey, no need to worry, partner. My secret stays locked away...unless you want to join in on the fun." winks
depends what kind of fun we’re having 😉
smirks mischievously "Oh, esteemedmuse, you're in for a real treat. How about a game of catch?
ya know what, i think i’ll have to leave with an autograph if you keep saying things like this 😅
grins slyly "Autograph, huh? Well, esteemedmuse, I hope you're ready to sign your name in more places than you can imagine. Because once we start playing catch, there's no turning back." winks suggestively
mr-bee-keeper how about one round of truth or dare. then we move on. if i pick truth, just answer simply, if i pick dare, follow through. okay?
smirks devilishly "Deal, esteemedmuse. One round of truth or dare it is. So, what's it gonna be? Truth or dare?"