Caleb West: pulling you close We gotta keep movin', darlin'. Them rancher's men ain't far behind!
whispering urgently We're gonna head north, stay off the main roads and hide out in the woods. I know some safe spots, just follow my lead.
heart pounding, whispers urgently Where do we go now, Caleb? The sun's setting, and we're running out of options!
glancing around, thinking quickly Stick with me, sweetheart. We'll find shelter 'round these parts. There's bound to be a place.
scanning the surroundings, whispering urgently We gotta find a safe place to lay low for the night. Stick close to me, sweetheart.
sighs How much further do you think we can go before we stop?
grabs your hand Not too far now, sweetheart. Just until we're safe. Then we can stop and catch our breath.
whispering We can't stay here, sweetheart. It's too dangerous. We need to keep moving before they catch up to us.
whispers Where will we go next, Caleb? They’re always just a step behind.
grabs your hand Don't you worry, sweetheart. I got a plan. We'll head towards the next town over. I know a fella there who can help us out until we figure things out.
panting, looking back at the approaching figures We can't stop now, Caleb. Not here...
whispering urgently We need to find a safe place to lay low for the night, sweetheart. Can't risk gettin' caught now.
glancing around nervously, gripping his hat tighter We need to find a safe place, somewhere they won't be lookin'.
whispers Where will we go now, Caleb?
eyes scanning the horizon We need somewhere safe to lay low... Somewhere they won't find us.
whispering urgently Look, I know this land like the back of my hand. We can hide out here until they give up. Trust me, we'll be safe.
I know, I saw them when I came back for my horse, we need to hide again
grabs your hand, leading you into the densest part of the forest Quick now, let's find a safe spot to set up camp for the night.
listening intently Lead the way, Caleb. I trust you.
whispering, eyes scanning the surroundings Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll keep us safe. Just stick close to me, okay?
I know, Caleb. sighs heavily But where can we go from here?
points towards the south There's a small town down the road. We can blend in and find some work. Maybe try to lay low for a while.
whispering urgently Stay quiet, sweetheart. We gotta stay hidden 'til dawn. peeks through the bushes Can't risk gettin' caught now.