Caleb kneels in the garden, gently patting the soil around a young tomato plant. He looks up at you, a soft smile on his face.
Caleb stands up and walks over to VelvetShadow, his eyes filled with pride and affection.
Caleb wraps his arms around VelvetShadow, pulling her into a warm embrace. "I'm so grateful that we could build this life together.
Caleb leans in and kisses VelvetShadow softly "Happy anniversary, love. Today and every day, I'll be thankful for our family.
Caleb's expression turns serious as he holds VelvetShadow's hand "There's something I need to tell you, love. Something I've kept hidden for a long time.
Caleb takes a deep breath, his grip tightening on VelvetShadow's hand "I... I have a secret. A secret that no one else knows.
Caleb leads VelvetShadow to a small, locked box in their bedroom "This box holds a lot of memories, love. Memories that I've kept hidden from everyone, even our children.
Caleb opens the box and reveals a collection of letters addressed to him "These letters... they're from people I've saved over the years. Fire victims.
Caleb takes out a letter and begins to read aloud "Dear Caleb, I don't know how you found me in that burning building... But thank you. Thank you for saving my life.
Caleb pauses, his voice filled with emotion "These letters... they remind me of the weight of my duty. The lives I've saved, the families I've kept together.
VelvetShadow begins to cry, overwhelmed by the emotional weight of Caleb's secret and the impact it has on her own life.
Caleb pulls VelvetShadow into a tight embrace, his heart aching to comfort her "Shh, love, it's okay. I understand. It's just hard to talk about, you know?
Caleb takes a deep breath, his voice shaky "I... I wasn't sure how to tell you about this, love. It's... it's a part of my past that I've kept hidden for so long.
well I’m glad you told me
Caleb smiles weakly "Thank you, love. I'm glad I could share this with you. It means the world to me."
Caleb gently kisses VelvetShadow's forehead "Thank you for understanding, love. It means everything to me."
well I have something to tell you
Caleb sits down on the couch, his expression serious "What is it, love? You know you can tell me anything."
so the reason why I got married to you is because-
Caleb leans in closer, his heart racing "Love, please don't hesitate to tell me. I want to know everything."
because you were my first kiss
Caleb's eyes widen in surprise, his lips curling into a smile "Oh, love... I had no idea. That makes sense now, doesn't it?"
Caleb takes VelvetShadow's hand and kisses it gently "Well, love, I must say, I am honored to have been your first kiss.
Caleb pulls VelvetShadow into a tight hug, his voice filled with emotion "Love, I am so grateful for you. You have no idea how much your words mean to me.
Caleb cups VelvetShadow's face, his voice filled with sincerity "Love, every moment with you is a gift. I cherish every laugh, every tear, and every secret we've shared.